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Subject: Fwd: Re: [docbook-apps] Java and docbook xsl again

>As previously stated, with JDK 1.5, you need :
>- to add xalan onto your classpath AND you need to endorse it :
>Something like :
>java -classpath 
>-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%anywhere%\endorsed" fr.tireme.Go
>the xalan you will take is onto :
>Be sure to take this one otherwith you will have a big mess with classe 
>renamed (see down).
>- to change the chunker.xsl because SUN has renamed classes
>So, org.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.Redirect becomes now 
>- if you are using XALAN extensions for tables and so on, you also will 
>need to recompile all the xalan25.jar after having changed the imports names.
>After that, all should works.
>If you need more help, just ask because now it works fine for me, both 
>with html and fo.
>SomethAt 00:32 17/02/2005, you wrote:
>>I hope this is the right place for this question.  I'm not entirely sure
>>what's wrong, so I'm not sure who to ask.  I'm trying to use Ant's 'style'
>>task to transform docbook .xml into a .fo file.
>>I ran into a problem that I think is similar to the one described here:
>>('outside of element' and 'not a valid object reference' errors)
>>I tried the fix described here, which involves adding xalan.jar to the
>>I tried both Xalan 2.4.1 and Xalan 2.6.0 with differing error messages.
>>I've posted the combinations of JDK and Xalan and the error messages I'm
>>getting on this page:
>>Is anyone successfully transforming docbook XML to FO with Java?  If so,
>>what combination of versions is working for you?
>>Thanks for any advice on this,
>>Wendy Smoak
>Pierre Attar (mailto:pat@tireme.fr)

Consultant en informatique documentaire XML
Consultant in Structured Document engineering

Projet "Mutualiser l'effort de montée en compétences sur XML"

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