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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Courseware material authoring customization layer (Was: Recusive<section/>'s and their conclusions)

The matter of my question is that i'm working on customization layer for courseware 
material authoring.

Now I use following style for the (self assesment) labs markup:

<article role="labkit" lang="ru"
     <title>Course Name</title>

   <section role="lab" >
     <title>Lab title</title>

     <highlights role="tasks">
	<!-- Lab tasks explanation -->

     <highlights role="objectives">
	<!-- Lab objectives explanation -->

     <section role="topic">
       <title>Topic title</title>

        <section role="topic">
          <title>Subtopic title</title>

          <!-- Topic matter -->

        <section role="exercise">
          <title>Exercise title</title>

          <!-- Exercise matter -->

<!-- Here I want to conclude lab: quiz, etc... -->


but due to current DTD and DocBook NG schema it's not possible to use something "more 
semantic" (e.g <highlights/>) than section to conclude.

Any thoughts?

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