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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] reprinting the toc -a website hack
Hi! Thank you for your responses. I was out this weekend so I couldn't respond.
David, I just took a look at eclipse - what a great project! I'll have to keep that in mind for some other future project of ours, but in this particular case, I need to have these pages running off of a CD, and I don't think eclipse would work...
Doug, if you could send me your stylesheets that would be great!
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug du Boulay [mailto:ddb@owari.msl.titech.ac.jp]
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:59 PM
To: Webmaster
Cc: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] reprinting the toc -a website hack
On Friday 25 March 2005 06:56, Webmaster wrote:
> Hello.
> Is there anyone out there that has bene able to display the book's toc
in a
> colapsble folder format, (on each page off to the side) and expand the
> appropriate folder depending on the page that the user is viewing? For
> instance, if the user is reading chapper 3 section 4, the navigation
> collapse all chapters but chapter 3 and maybe even highlight section 4's
> title.
> Thanks!
I have customized the DocBook-xsl-1.66.0 html stylesheets to include
support for website within chunk.xsl
Basically, you can add a docbook book/part/article to your tabular
website and have the website table of contents cascade down through
all the chunked chapters/sections etc.
It can work for a stand alone document, but it needs work to cater
for the document root/home node.
If you would like to experiment, let me know because I have nowhere to put
it and I suspect it is not a nice snug fit with the current and future
stylesheet distributions.
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