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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] figure title.placement and figure TOC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: leeloo5e79-docbook@yahoo.de 
> I'm writing a DocBook with a lot of figures (images). Every 
> figure has a title which is placed on the top of the figure 
> itself. Sometimes the remaining space at the outputed 
> PDF-page not being enough for the title of the figure and the 
> figure itself. So the title is placed on this page and the 
> figure on the next page. Is there a chance to put title and 
> figure together, so that both is at the next page in the same 
> order. 

If you use FOP, this could be about incomplete support for keep-*
properties. See

Other processors (such as XEP and AntennaHouse XSL Formatter) have much
better support for keep-*, which means that figures and their titles will be
kept together and end up on the same page.

> The other question is: How to make a TOC for figures? There 
> is generated a TOC for every section in my article-DocBook. 
> It would be very nice, if there were a chance to get a List 
> of all figures are found in the created DocBook Document. §
> Setting the parameter generate.toc to  article   
> toc,title,figure doesn't work.

There is no code for handling 'List of Figures' for articles in the standard
stylesheets. But you can customize the template with match="article" in
fo/component.xsl. Immediately before the <apply-templates/> element, add the

<xsl:if test="contains($toc.params, 'figure') and .//figure">
 <xsl:call-template name="list.of.titles">
  <xsl:with-param name="titles" select="'figure'"/>
  <xsl:with-param name="nodes" select=".//figure"/>

This will create a List of Figures immediately after the TOC. If you want
the List of Figures to appear at the very end of the article, put the code
above after the <apply-templates/>.


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