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docbook-apps message

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Subject: DocBook.sml - multi-language documentation solution



I have posted my multi-language documentation solution at http://docbooksml.sourceforge.net


What is DocBook.sml?


sml stands for single-source multi-language. DocBook.sml provides an easy and secure way to maintain multilingual documentations. The core idea of DocBook.sml is keeping/assembling all documentation content of identical semantic, but of different language together in/into one document and deriving from such a 'documentation repository' all desired documentation artefacts.




- Consistent maintenance of multilingual documentation.

- Unified documentation structures for all projects

- Customizable input and output templates and documentation procedures

- CAT (Computer aided Translation) Support

- Runs as part of an IDE and/or standalone

- Concentrates all necessary resources at one location

- Decouples the functional resources from subsystem versions

- Comprehensive example for the usage of DocBook XSL

- Free of charge.


Any feedback is welcome.


Best Regards


Joerg Moebius



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