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Subject: Moving down the title on the titlepage

Hello all -

I'm using DocBook with the FO XSL v1.69 and am having trouble with the
titlepage customization.  How can I move the title of my book down to
near the center of the titlepage?  I've set the space-before attribute
of the title element inside the t:titlepage-content element to all sorts
of things (like 100pt) and I can't seem to get the title to shift down.

I can use a spec file to generate a mytitlepages.xsl and the xsl:include
works fine - I can change the font size and text alignment of the title
and author info with no problems.  I can also shift the author info down
using the space-before; it's just the title itself that I can't seem to
move down.  Perhaps there's some maximum distance I need to override or

I've got Bob's excellent "DocBook XSL: 3rd Ed", and while it's been very
helpful for _lots_ of other stuff I can't seem to find the answer to
this in there.



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