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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] whitespace - confirmation please

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Samuel Wright [mailto:lykoszine@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 6:11 AM
> To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [docbook-apps] whitespace - confirmation please
> Hi All,
> Could someone give me a hand regarding my understanding of whitespace.
> Whitespace is significant in any element that can contain 
> text, as I understand it.
> so
> ----
> <para>sdfsdfsdfds<para>
> ----
> is better than
> ----
> <para>
> sadsdsd</para>


> ----
> Does this apply also with subelements?
> ----
> <para><simplelist>...
> ----
> not
> ----
> <para>
> <simplelist>...
> ----

If the child is a block element, then a line break before the start tag
of the block element should be ok. If the child is an inline, no line

> What about editor indentation? Do all my <para> elements need 
> to be at the start of the line?
> ie
> ----
> <para>.asdad.fsdfdfsdfsdf
> sadasdsdasdasdasdasdasdsadsdasd
> ----
> or is
> ----
> __<para>asdsfgfra sdfdfsdfdfgfg
> __asdfdfdfgfhfg fgjhgj ghjhgjh
> ----
> Ok? (I have used double underscore "__" to represent 2 spaces)

Indentation of block elements is fine. 

Are you configuring XMetaL? If so, I'd be happy to share my .ctm. I
don't think you could use it as-is (some site specific stuff in it), but
you could use it for inspiration. One lesson we learned was to set the
line length at its maximum so you end up with one block element per
line. This avoids a couple of problems where the pretty printing added
spurious white space in certain situations.


> Thanks again for your time
> S
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