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Subject: Re: [docbook] Adjusting figure on page

[moving this over to the docbook-apps mailing list where formatting issues 
are discussed]

Hi Aleksandar,
I'm afraid your expectations for the capabilities of XSL-FO exceed the 
current reality.  The XSL-FO standard does not have conditional floats, in 
which the formatter would float a figure to the next page only if it did not 
fit on the current page.  The standard does have a manual float feature, 
which can float an image to the top of a page and backfill the text.   But 
if you add that property to an image, it will always float it, not do it 
only if it does not fit.  Some XSL-FO processors support that feature. But 
FOP does not yet support even that limited float feature yet.  This page 
shows what XSL-FO features FOP does not yet support:


Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aleksandar Kanchev" <kanchev@in.tum.de>
To: <docbook@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 9:26 AM
Subject: [docbook] Adjusting figure on page

> Hello list,
> I have couple of paragraphs, followed by a figure followed by more
> paragraphs. Since I want PDF output I convert the docbook document to FO
> and then to PDF using fop. The problem is that after the first
> paragraphs the space left on the page is a little smaller than the space
> needed for the figure, so a big white space is left on the page and the
> figure is moved automatically to the next page followed by the remaining
> paragraphs. I actually expected that the figure will be shifted before
> or after the preceding or following paragraphs respectively, so that the
> page's empty space is used as much as possible. Why is this happening?
> Am I missing some docbook/xsl parameter?
> best regards,
> Aleksandar
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