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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] removing elements and attrs from <title>

Hi Mike,
Interesting idea about removing xml:id from titles. Try the following: 

	<include href="docbookxi.rng">
		<define name="db.title.attlist">
					<ref name="db.title.role.attribute"/>
					<ref name="db.common.base.attributes"/>
						<ref name="db.annotations.attribute"/>
				<ref name="db.common.linking.attributes"/>

That seems to work...not sure if it's the best/easiest way. I just copied db.title.attlist into the include and then copied db.common.attributes replacing the <ref name="db.common.attributes"/> and then deleted the reference to db.xml.id.attribute from my copy of db.common.attributes. 

I think to remove remark you just add the following inside your <include>:

<define name="db.remark">

You might also check out: http://www.docbook.org/docs/howto


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Maxwell [mailto:maxwell@umiacs.umd.edu]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:19 PM
> To: DocBook Apps ML
> Subject: [docbook-apps] removing elements and attrs from <title>
> I want to customize my DocBook schema by removing one element
> (<remark>)
> and one attribute (xml:id) from the <title> element.  I'm trying to
> follow the customization instructions for DocBook 5.0
> (http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/ch05.html#ch05-layers), but I'm
> apparently doing something wrong. I'm using the XML form of the RelaxNG
> schema, whereas the instructions show the RNC form; but I think I've
> done the conversion right.
> I have the following:
>    <include href="xxe-config:docbook5/rng/V5.0/docbook.rng">
>      ...
>      <define name="db.title">
>        <!--Replace the DocBook standard db.title-->
>        <element name="title">
>          <ref name="db.MyTitle.attlist"/>
>          <zeroOrMore>
>            <ref name="db.MyTitle.inlines"/>
>          </zeroOrMore>
>        </element>
>      </define>
>    </include>
>    <define name="db.MyTitle.attlist">...</define>
>    <define name="db.MyTitle.inlines">...</define>
> ('xxe-config' in the first line points to a place in the file system)
> The code for <define name="db.title"> is copied over from the DB5
> schema
> included with XXE, except I substituted "db.MyTitle.attlist" for
> "db.title.attlist", and "db.MyTitle.inlines" for
> "db.all.inlines" (and omitted the <a:documentation> element).
> However, validation gives me the following error:
>     overlapping element names in operands of "interleave"
> pointing to line 1262 of the docbook.rng.  Line 1262 is the second line
> in this definition:
>      <define name="db.titleonlyreq.info">
>        <element name="info">
>          <a:documentation>A wrapper for information about a component
> or
> other block with only a required title</a:documentation>
>          <ref name="db.titleonlyreq.info.attlist"/>
>          <interleave>
>            <ref name="db._title.onlyreq"/>
>            <zeroOrMore>
>              <ref name="db.info.elements"/>
>            </zeroOrMore>
>          </interleave>
>        </element>
>      </define>
> At this point, I get lost tracing things backwards.  I just don't see
> how db.titleonlyreq.info (or db.titleonlyreq.info.attlist) gets called
> from my re-definition of db.title, nor what the error is.
> Commenting out parts of my modifications doesn't help, either; in fact,
> I still get the error msg if I reduce my modifications to this:
>    <include href="xxe-config:docbook5/rng/V5.0/docbook.rng">
>      ...
>      <define name="db.title">
>        <!--Replace the DocBook standard db.title-->
>        <element name="title">
>          <text/>
>        </element>
>      </define>
>    </include>
> What am I doing wrong?
> --
> 	Mike Maxwell
> 	maxwell@umiacs.umd.edu
>          "A library is the best possible imitation, by human beings,
>          of a divine mind, where the whole universe is viewed and
>          understood at the same time... we have invented libraries
>          because we know that we do not have divine powers, but we
>          try to do our best to imitate them." --Umberto Eco
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