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Subject: AW: [docbook-apps] Programlising question

Title: Programlising question



My programlistings are not inside example elements but they are inside other block elements – most notably, para and sidebar. I’ll do some further testing and post the results. Thanks All.




Von: Bob Stayton [mailto:bobs@sagehill.net]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. November 2010 17:57
An: Speights, Scott; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Betreff: Re: [docbook-apps] Programlising question


Is your programlisting inside an example element?  If so, then it is getting a keep-together.within-column="always" property on the block containing the title and content.  The attribute-set named 'example.properties' uses the attribute-set named 'formal.object.properties', which has that keep-together property by default.  If you don't want that behavior, you can use:


<xsl:attribute-set name="example.properties">

  <xsl:attribute name="keep-together.within-column">auto</xsl:attribute>



The "auto" value turns off the keep.


If you programlisting is not inside an example, then something in your customization layer is adding that property, because it is not in the default stylesheet for programlisting itself.


Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 1:10 AM

Subject: [docbook-apps] Programlising question


Hello All,

I need to format large pieces of code in my documents that are longer than one page. 

When the message in the program listing reaches the end of the page, it doesn’t break but disappears into the bottom margin. Is there a good way to get <programlisting> to break pages – like <para> - automatically?

Thanks, Scott


Scott Speights

Technical Writer


Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG

Munzinger Str. 9, D-79111 Freiburg

Tel. +49 761 898-5313

E-Mail: scott.speights@haufe-lexware.com

Internet: http://www.haufe-lexware.com


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