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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Auto-generating an index

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 06:20, Ron Catterall <ron@catterall.net> wrote:
> Tom
> This is probably too late if the text already exists, but I find using
> entities is a useful first approximation to generating an index during the
> writing phase.
> For example, when writing use &ana; and expand the entitiy:
> <!ENTITY  ana        '<indexterm><primary>Ana Canas de
> Urofol</primary></indexterm>Ana Canas de Urofol'>
> If the text  already exists you could of course do a global search and
> replace on your text:

Thanks, Ron.  That's the point: the text already exists, and the
original bulk of it (not my responsibility then) I converted from html
to DB, so no index markup.  I have to go through it and add DB index
markup.  I'm doing what you suggest but more auto via a Perl script--a
rough cut to be sure but it should save some effort.



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