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docbook-apps message

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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] saxon.character.representation

Previously I wrote:


"I'm working with a customization layer based on a dated version of DocBook XSL (HTML  1.41?) and using the 1.74 release HTML style sheets for everything else.


"This is for a home-grown WebHelp solution that I'm in the process of internationalizing (mostly complete, except for the Lucene search pieces). In our customization, we set the following parameters:


"<xsl:param name="chunker.output.encoding" select="'UTF-8'"/>


"<xsl:param name="saxon.character.representation" select="'entity;decimal'"/>"


It turns out that the transform is converting to cp1252 instead of utf-8. Still not finding where this is being controlled, but at least I'm a bit closer.


Bill Burns

Verbum Communications, Inc.




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