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Subject: Aligning numbers in table cells with xsl

I have an xpath _expression_ in a customisation which is trying to achieve the following:

In a CALS table I have a mixture of columns with text and a column with numbers. I've created a tabstyle 'numbers' (and also 'numberstripe') that should set, only for cells containing a number, a text align of 'right' and an indent (set as a percentage of cell width from the right margin). If a cell contains a text string, then it should not set a right margin or indent.

I have had the following coding working in a previous document, but in another document it sets all text and numbers with a text-align of 'right' and a margin-right equal to a user setting (e.g. 40% of cell width). It is a complicated xpath _expression_ to select only the cells contained within <tbody> (i.e. doesn't apply to cells in thead) and only if a cell contains a number.

I don't know much about xpath and less about whether the string selection is correct.

The XML is:
<table frame="all" label="2" tabstyle="numbers">
            <title>Mining and manufacturing water use in high and medium water development SWMAs </title>
            <tgroup cols="4">
                <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
                <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
                <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
                <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
                        <entry align="center" valign="bottom">Drainage division</entry>
                        <entry align="center" valign="bottom">SWMA</entry>
                        <entry align="center" valign="bottom">Water use by mining and manufacturing
                        <entry align="center" valign="bottom">Main commodities mined</entry>
                        <entry morerows="3">North-East Coast</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Barron River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">10</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Metals</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Burdekin River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Fitzroy River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">6</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Brisbane River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry morerows="9">Murray–Darling Basin</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Condamine–Culgoa rivers</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">&lt;1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Border Rivers</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">2</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Gwydir River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">2</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Namoi River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">2</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Lachlan River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">4</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Metals</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Murrumbidgee River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">&lt;1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Metals</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Loddon River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">&lt;1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Gold</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Campaspe River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">&lt;1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Gold</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Avoca River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Gold</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Wimmera–Avon rivers</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Mineral sands</entry>
                        <entry morerows="3">South East Coast</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Hunter River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">12</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Macquarie–Tuggerah lakes</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">6</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Hawkesbury River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">4</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Latrobe River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">25</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry morerows="2">South-West Coast</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Busselton Coast, Preston River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">3</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Mineral sands</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Collie River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">3</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Coal</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Murray River</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">13</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Bauxite, gold, copper, mineral sands</entry>
                        <entry morerows="3">Others</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Ord (WA)</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">15</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Gold, diamonds</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Port Hedland (WA)[1]</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">47</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Iron ore</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Onkaparinga River (SA)</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Metals</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Torrens River (SA)</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">1</entry>
                        <entry valign="bottom">Metals</entry>

And the customisation:

<xsl:template name="table.cell.block.properties">
    <xsl:if test="ancestor::d:thead">   
    <xsl:attribute name="font-weight">
      <xsl:value-of select="$tablehdrfontweight"/>
      <xsl:attribute name="color">
        <xsl:value-of select="$tablehdrfontcolour"/>
    <xsl:attribute name="font-size">
      <xsl:value-of select="$tablehdrfontsize"></xsl:value-of><xsl:text>pt</xsl:text>
    </xsl:attribute>     <xsl:attribute name="font-style">
      <xsl:value-of select="$tablehdrfontstyle"/>

  <!--If table has numbers in the cells, set right-align for text and indent
  from right-hand margin to centre the numbers-->
    <!--margin and indent for portrait format tables-->
    <xsl:if test="(ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numbers' or
      ancestor-or-self::d:table/@tabstyle = 'numberstripe') and not(ancestor::d:thead or
      ancestor::d:tfoot) and preceding-sibling::d:entry and string(number(.))">
      <xsl:attribute name="text-align">right</xsl:attribute>
      <xsl:attribute name="margin-right">
          <xsl:when test="self::d:entry/d:footnote">
            <xsl:value-of select="$cellfootnoteindent"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="$cellnumberindent"/>

Dave Gardiner

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