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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] olinking in webhelp
Hi Jirka,Thanks for the information about XHTML5. I'll get these improvements into the next release.
Regarding the XML declaration, though, I was a little confused by your mail. You said:
"In order to get encoding right XML declaration should be there but <meta> tag with encoding should be there. XML declaration can be easily omitted by omit-xml-declaration on xsl:output." Should the XML declaration be there or not? Bob Stayton Sagehill Enterprises bobs@sagehill.net -------------------------------------------------- From: "Jirka Kosek" <jirka@kosek.cz> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:19 AM To: "David Cramer" <david@thingbag.net>Cc: "Bob Stayton" <bobs@sagehill.net>; <kasunbg@gmail.com>; "DocBook Apps" <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] olinking in webhelp On 24.10.2012 20:57, David Cramer wrote:
Testing would be the only reason to hesitate. One reason I've liked xhtml with the doctype in the past is that it kept browsers out of quirks mode, but I don't keep up with the latest trends in browser behavior.
XHTML5 stylesheets output <!DOCTYPE html> which is enough for switching into standards mode. I have just checked output of XHTML5 stylesheet and there are some things which could be improved. XHTML is usually served with a wrong MIME type as text/html and web browsers then use HTML parser on content. In order to get encoding rigth XML declaration should be there but <meta> tag with encoding should be there. XML declaration can be easily omitted by omit-xml-declaration on xsl:output. The second thing is more tricky, but in Saxon 6.5 you can specify output method as saxon:xhtml and this does the job. At least for WebHelp which relies on Ant xhtml:saxon can be make defaut as Ant script invokes transformation as well.
I don't have strong preferences. Switching base xsls could affect customization layers, but progress is good too.
I think that WebHelp is still rather moving target, so things are likely to break. But sooner we will fix something it's better. Also yesterday I was consulting using WebHelp at client's site and discovered some really strange things. For example admon.graphics is only parameter supplied to transformation in Ant which makes it impossible to specify this parameter in customization layer. It took me quite a while to figure this out. Also there was some bug in Javascript code for handling links where chunk.section.depth was lower then 3 which is default in WebHelp. I hope I will get soon time to comment on few similar issues. Jirka
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