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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps]xslt2.0 docbook.xsl stylesheet problem

Hi Dimuthu:

I think, this happened because of you didn't build the DocBook XSLT style sheets before you are going to use them.
After you get a clone of source,you have to build it. Go to the root directory where build.xml located and using ant, run the command "ant all" or "ant build". (Note: I didn't test it out. But it's the normal procedure that I figured out by looking over the source)

Either way, if you want to just check out how is it working, why don't you go and use latest stable release version.
There you can find the file called "param.xsl".

Hope this will be helpful !.

On Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 10:57 PM, DImuthu Upeksha <dimuthu.upeksha2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I was trying to convert one of my docbook xml file into html format using docbook xslt 2.0 docbook.xsl stylesheet located at https://github.com/docbook/xslt20-stylesheets/tree/master/xslt/base/html

When I try to compile it using saxon-he it gives an error mentioning that 

"URIResolver.resolve href="" base="file:/C:/docbook/20tute/../xslt20/xsl
Error at xsl:include on line 15 column 34 of docbook.xsl:
  XTSE0165: I/O error reported by XML parser processing
  C:\docbook\xslt20\xslt\base\html\param.xsl (The system cannot find the file sp

Then I looked into the docbook.xsl and there is an include :
 <xsl:include href="">

But in the folder there is not a param.xsl file. Instead of that there is a param.xml file.

I think problem is with that param.xsl file missing. How can I find that file?


W.Dimuthu Upeksha

Department of Computer Science And Engineering

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Gihan Chanuka Karunarathne
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/gihanchanuka
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