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Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Can I link directly to a WebHelp page?

Thanks Radu, that's excellent!
It's good this solution works for relative file names/directories.

On 30-04-13 12:33 AM, Radu Coravu wrote:
Hi Dave,

The Oxygen Docbook WebHelp was branched from the Docbook WebHelp original XSLs so this is more of a question to ask on the Oxygen XML Editor support email address (support@oxygenxml.com).

Basically there is a GET parameter called "q" which you can use to point to the absolute HTML file path which will be opened in the right side of the frameset, for example on my local drive the path would be something like:



Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 4/29/2013 5:19 PM, Xmplar wrote:
I'd like to link into a specific WebHelp page that is formatted in
frames. I've created SVG graphics with <a href> links, and want to go
straight to a frameset page created with DocBook WebHelp in oXygen. I
can link to the home page easily enough (index_frames.html) - is there a
HTML "target" specification to then navigate to a page in that frameset?
Or is it possible with Javascript?
*Dave Gardiner*

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