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Subject: WebHelp bugfix

Hi guys,

Ages ago (February actually) I reported a WebHelp bug:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: WebHelp bug?
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:14:46 +0100
From: Stefan Hinz <stefan.hinz@oracle.com>
To: DocBook Apps <docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org>

Building one of our books in WebHelp format gives a fatal error:

No template for "/book/chapter/mediaobject/imageobject/imagedata" (or
any of its leaves) exists in the context named "title" in the "en"
XPath error : Invalid type xmlXPathCompiledEval: 1
objects left on the stack.

A took some investigation to boil down the issue to this:

A construct like this makes WebHelp builds fail:

  <imageobject><imagedata .../>...</imageobject>


This turned out to be a fairly tricky problem, which we've eventually created a workaround for in our customization layer, but I thought I'd share what our implementer found (and fixed) on this forum. So here goes ...

We had problems with two templates:

(1) <xsl:template name="write.longdesc"> in xhtml/graphics.xsl
(used to write out long descriptions for accessibility, for images and for tables)

(2) <xsl:template match="legalnotice" mode="titlepage.mode"> in xhtml/titlepage.xsl (used to write out legal notices into separate files if the generate.legalnotice.link parameter is set to 1)

The default templates still work (just) but the resulting output has not been changed/customized for webhelp and so the files look a little odd. So these probably need to be looked at by the webhelp folks.

Also both of the above templates call the template user.head.content to insert a <title> element in the HTML <head>. The user.head.content template is defined in xhtml/docbook-no-doctype.xsl and then overridden in the webhelp layer in webhelp-common.xsl. The webhelp template assumes that the object being processed always has a child <title> element (it does in most cases).

This is Ok for legal notices, but for images it fails because for image long descriptions, the object being processed is actually <imagedata>. And this is what was causing your build failure and explains the error message you saw:

"No template for "/book/chapter/mediaobject/imageobject/imagedata" (or
any of its leaves) exists in the context named "title" in the "en"

There were two choices:

(1) Customize the write.longdesc template to pass the text of the title as a parameter when we call user.head.content.

(2) Change user.head.content to account for the differing situations when the node might not have a title element.

As we have our own customizations of the write.longdesc template, I implemented (1).

For (2) the title parameter needs a bit of thought. For <figure> elements, you can select the ancestor figure element because that has a title. But other objects, such as <informalfigure> or <mediabject> might not have a title, so in those situations you need gentext to create a notional title for the generated file. Again, this is one for the webhelp folks.


Stefan Hinz <stefan.hinz@oracle.com>, MySQL Documentation Manager

Phone: +49-30-82702940, Fax: +49-30-82702941, http://dev.mysql.com/doc

ORACLE Deutschland B.V.&  Co. KG
Registered Office: Riesstr. 25, 80992 Muenchen, Germany
Commercial Register: Local Court Of Munich, HRA 95603
Managing Director: Jürgen Kunz

General Partner: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Register Of Chamber Of Commerce: Midden-Niederlande, No. 30143697
Managing Directors: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher


Stefan Hinz <stefan.hinz@oracle.com>, MySQL Documentation Manager

Phone: +49-30-82702940, Fax: +49-30-82702941, http://dev.mysql.com/doc

ORACLE Deutschland B.V.&  Co. KG
Registered Office: Riesstr. 25, 80992 Muenchen, Germany
Commercial Register: Local Court Of Munich, HRA 95603
Managing Director: Jürgen Kunz

General Partner: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Register Of Chamber Of Commerce: Midden-Niederlande, No. 30143697
Managing Directors: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher

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