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Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Simple title page - would like to add a logo

Sorry my terminology was probably confusing and wrong. 
I am primarily creating an Eclipse Plugin Help file. The PDF is a spin-off from that.
 I am actually creating a Manual - rather than a book and I want my manual's "front cover" to look something comparable to other product manuals - for example an IBM Manual where a logo/image  is present and the title is a short way down from the top.

> Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:21:47 -0400
> From: peter_e@gmx.net
> To: davidkjackson54@gmail.com; docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Simple title page - would like to add a logo
> On 8/19/14 8:40 PM, David Jackson wrote:
> > All has gone well and I would like to now add a logo to the left of the
> > title but so far have been unsuccessful at accomplishing what initially
> > seemed like a simple task.
> If you want to produce a book, the first page of the PDF that DocBook
> produces is not really the book cover. It's the first page inside the
> book cover, which is normally very bland. If you want to produce an
> artistic book cover, I'd recommend doing that with some other tool and
> then concatenating it to the PDF you get from DocBook.

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