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Subject: Re: Canonical DocBook

> Norm, how would an (Relax NG | XSD 1.1) Schema for the outcome of Step
> 7 differ from the DocBook 5.2 Schema? It is a subset, isn't it?

I think so. Itâs intended to be, but since itâs never been validated,
itâs possible I messed up :-)

The big changes, on a quick skim, are that an info wrapper is added to
all block elements that have just a title, elements with optional titles
(glossary, index, admonitions, etc.) all have explicit titles, external
glossaries, indexes, bibliographies, etc. are inlined (these are
features of the stylesheets, not DocBook per se, but pulling them back
inline simplifies formatting them), unparsed text elements from URIs
are inlined, and HTML tables get a tbody if one is missing.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Tovey-Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>

> Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above
> principles.--George Jean Nathan

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