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docbook-apps message

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Subject: Want to Omit Appendix from Epub... but...

I have a docbook <book> that I am translating to epub, but I want
to omit the <appendix>.  For HTML, the following suffices in
the stylesheet:

 <xsl:template match="d:appendix"/>
 <xsl:template match="d:appendix" mode="toc"/>

But of course doing this in the epub styleseet results in a bad
epub file because the contents.opf file still contains references
to the appendix (and its children) which is no longer present in
the epub.

I tried playing the same trick by adding,

 <xsl:template match="d:appendix" mode="opf.manifest">

but this doesn't seem to do anything.  This looks like one of those
things that should be 'easy if you know how' but I'm stumped.
Suggestions, please?


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