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Subject: Groups - DocBook Publishers SC modified

Added minutes

 -- Keith Fahlgren

DocBook Publishers SC has been modified by Keith Fahlgren

Date:  Wednesday, 04 June 2008
Time:  12:00pm - 01:00pm PT

Event Description:
The teleconference phone number is +1-877-643-6951. The participant
code is 31804277#. Attendance at teleconferences is restricted to members
(and prospective members) of the subcommittee. For international access, please dial: 302-607-2017.

The DocBook SC uses irc://freenode/dbpub for additional
conference features, such as exchanging URIs, providing out-of-band
comments, and other aspects of the teleconference, so please join us
there if at all possible.


1. Roll call
Scott Hudson, Keith Fahlgren, John Pedersen, Jim Earley

2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting.

3. Next meeting: 2 July 20008
Next meeting moved to 9 July 2008 to avoid scheduling conflicts.

4. Review of the agenda.
5. Review of open action items
 a. Keith to formalize the collection of examples, mark them up, and test against them for dialog and poetry.

Scott provided a lot of help on this and marked up Shakespeare. Keith is working on better automated testing tools. See samples in SVN[2].

 b. All: look for good examples of dialog and poetry & submit to Keith


 c. All: look for good examples of legal markup


 d. Scott: Follow up with Norm on SVN structure & documentation build questions

Scott did meet with Norm and the SVN structure is OK. Working on build snags with Norm

6. Proposed Roadmap
  a. Identify elements that should be part of Core DocBook
  b. Identify potential "modules" for elements currently part of DocBook but belonging to a particular domain.
    i. Discuss content model revisions made by Scott. [1]

Change summary:
* Changes to the include model to ensure that the file validates.
* Dublin Core & Terms & Type have been added as RNC 
* DC stuff has been added to the publishers.rnc to test inclusion of markup for RFE1964024
* Some attributes have been added (like @role or @remap)
  - Keith suggests adding db.common.attributes & @role to all new elements
*  has had db.all.inlines added
*  gets db.all.blocks (to allow bridgeheads)
* s have the ability to have multiple speakers (for people saying the same thing at the same time
* ,  gets db.all.blocks, db.mediaobject (create a pattern?)
* Should we add common.linking.attributes?. Scott to ask on DocBook list if we should, based on """Common Linking Attributes

The following attributes occur on all elements that can be the start of a link. """
* Should we add  children? Yep, but we already got it with db.all.blocks.
* Scott wonders if db.all.blocks is really the right include. Dave Pawson suggested db.nopara.blocks & others. Keith is concerned that we might accidentally get db.technical.blocks from db.all.blocks, but Scott thinks the RNC exclusion will do the right thing. 

    ii. Discuss Shakespeare samples. [2]

* Scott has added some XSLT[4] to do the conversion from BosakXML into publishers DocBook.
* Should we make these "official" publishers samples? Keith is happy with that.

  c. Recommend Core DocBook and proposed modules to DocBook TC
  d. Identify general publishing needs not currently met by DocBook
  e. Identify additional specific domains within publishing industry that may need specific modules.
  f. develop RFEs from identified needs
  g. develop DocBook v5.0 schema enhancements from RFEs
  h. submit schema enhancements for approval to DocBook TC

7. ePub target update (Keith)

* .epub generation stylesheets & a reference dbtoepub conversion tool was release as part of 1.74.0 of the DocBook-XSL project. Testing is encouraged.
* The Adobe Digital Editions reader is the most compliant to the spec. It is available for Mac and Windows [5].
* .epub rendering should be a good selling point for publishers considering DocBook in the future.

8. Specification process / update (Scott, Norm)

* Norm contributed a spec stub in SVN for us. That file can be extended to be the thing that we eventually deliver to the full TC.
* We hope to have something to submit to the TC.
* Scott will work on getting a draft spec ready before the next meeting.

9. Review of Requests for Enhancement
 a. 1964024: Formalize the adoption of Dublin Core in the info element[3] 

* From Jim's original request:
"""While DocBook already includes many of the elements that are defined by the
Dublin Core, it is not inherently interoperable with DC metadata. The
Publisher's SC (and hopefully the the DocBook TC) should consider adopting
DC metadata as a formal metadata model for  elements"""
* Jim runs into this when doing interoperability work in the real world. DC is well-established. 
* Downside include: 
** Dublin doesn't provide RNC or RNG versions of their schemas. We could always contribute this back to them and ask them to add it to the schemas they provide. 
** Will people get confused between the similar (semantically) elements between DocBook  and DC. Interoperability will be increased by using DC exclusively. 
** DC does updates to their schemas. How do we sync? We'll just tie DocBook to a particular version, and make updates when we see fit. 
* Scott spoke to Norm about this. Norm expressed concerns about the semantically equivalent elements in the standard (dc:title, in particular) and the fact that dc:title might not be the same as db:title. This might make processing difficult. Perhaps we should do an either-or model? Jim has no problem with that (nor does Keith). Scott to attempt this.
* Continue this discussion.

Open Action Items:
 a. Keith to formalize the collection of examples, mark them up, and test against them for dialog and poetry.
 b. All: look for good examples of dialog and poetry & submit to Keith
 c. All: look for good examples of legal markup
 d. Scott: Follow up with Norm on SVN structure & documentation build questions
 e. Scott: Ask on DocBook list if we should include common.linking.attributes, based on """Common Linking Attributes
 f. Scott: Ask Jon Bosak about permission for use of Shakespeare samples.
 g. All: Review specification draft when it becomes available.
 h. All: Review the Dublin Core RELAX modeling Scott has implemented in SVN.
 i. Scott: Attempt either-or inclusion of db.info version dc.* based on concerns from Norm and other.

The following attributes occur on all elements that can be the start of a link. """

[4] https://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/docbook/trunk/docbook/relaxng/publishers/samples/shakespeare2docbook.xsl
[5] http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/

1. Roll call
2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting.
3. Next meeting: 1st Wed of every month
4. Review of the agenda.
5. Review of open action items
 a. Keith to formalize the collection of examples, mark them up, and test against them for dialog and poetry.
 b. All: look for good examples of dialog and poetry & submit to Keith
 c. All: look for good examples of legal markup
 d. Scott: Follow up with Norm on SVN structure & documentation build questions
6. Proposed Roadmap
  a. Identify elements that should be part of Core DocBook
  b. Identify potential "modules" for elements currently part of DocBook but belonging to a particular domain.
    i. Discuss content model revisions made by Scott. [1]
    ii. Discuss Shakespeare samples. [2]
  c. Recommend Core DocBook and proposed modules to DocBook TC
  d. Identify general publishing needs not currently met by DocBook
  e. Identify additional specific domains within publishing industry that may need specific modules.
  f. develop RFEs from identified needs
  g. develop DocBook v5.0 schema enhancements from RFEs
  h. submit schema enhancements for approval to DocBook TC
7. ePub target update (Keith)
8. Specification process / update (Scott, Norm)
9. Review of Requests for Enhancement
 a. 1964024: Formalize the adoption of Dublin Core in the info element[3] 


This event is one in a list of recurring events.
Other event dates in this series:

Wednesday, 06 February 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 12 March 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 02 April 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 14 May 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 02 July 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 06 August 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 03 September 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 01 October 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 05 November 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 03 December 2008, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 07 January 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT
Wednesday, 04 February 2009, 12:00pm to 01:00pm PT

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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:DocBook Publishers SC
DESCRIPTION:The teleconference phone number is +1-877-643-6951. The
  participant\ncode is 31804277#. Attendance at teleconferences is
  restricted to members\n(and prospective members) of the subcommittee.
  For international access\, please dial: 302-607-2017.\n\nThe DocBook
  SC uses irc://freenode/dbpub for additional\nconference features\,
  such as exchanging URIs\, providing out-of-band\ncomments\, and other
  aspects of the teleconference\, so please join us\nthere if at all
  possible.\n\nGroup: DocBook Publishers SC\nCreator: Scott Hudson

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