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docbook-tc message

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Subject: EBNF for DocBook


At the San Jose DocBook meeting, we briefly discussed adding
EBNF markup to DocBook. It's not an uncommon request, but no
proposal has been made.

With the growing use of the XML Spec DTD, it would seem a bit
strange to add something to DocBook that was very different from
that DTD, but that markup seems a little "loose" and tricky to

Could you easily construct a proposal by starting with the XML
Spec model and "fixing it"? :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <nwalsh@arbortext.com> | The stone fell on the pitcher?
Principal Software Engineer         | Woe to the pitcher. The pitcher
Arbortext, Inc. (www.arbortext.com) | fell on the stone? Woe to the
413.256.6985 Voice/FAX              | pitcher.--Rabbinic Sayning

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