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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 24 Sep 2003
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 24 Sep 2003 ======================================================== The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday, 24 Sep 2003 at 05:00p EDT (02:00p PDT, 21:00GMT, 22:00BST, 23:00CEST, 06:00JST+, 02:30a India+) for 90 minutes. | Agenda | | 1. Roll call Jeff Beal Paul Grosso Dick Hamilton Scott Hudson Mike Smith Bob Stayton Regrets: Steve Cogorno Absent: Mark Johnson Nancy Harrison | 2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting Accepted. (Norm to make sure they are posted to both DocBook and DocBook-tc.) | 3. Next meeting: 15 Oct 2003 (conflict for Norm) Proposed: 22 Oct. Accepted. | 4. Review of the agenda Accepted. | 5. Review of open action items | | a. Norm to follow-up on RFE 562343: <packagename> element Continued. | b. Norm to write better documentation for option/optional Continued. | c. Norm to ask Denis Evans for his opinions on REF #686733, allow | bibliography under <refentry> Completed last week. | d. Norm to describe how topical indexes might be created with | a custom stylesheet. Continued. | e. Norm to describe how the prototype works and how it was constructed. Continued. | f. Mike to provide a better proposal for choicelist markup. Continued. | g. Mike to reconsider the annotation problem and post his thoughts. Continued. | h. Norm to propose bibliolist. Continued. | i. Norm to add a code element. Continued The 'language' attribute is what we have for the synopsis elements. It's what HTML uses. It seems like you can overload language with alternates if you really need to. Perhaps 'syntax' is better, but we already have 'language'. If we didn't have language, we might perfer syntax, but do we want to move to syntax? No. Add a language attribute, parallel to language on the synopsis elements? Yes. Add it on programlisting and synopsis (but not literallayout, screen, and address)? Yes. Should all these changes go in 4.3? Yes. | 6. DocBook V4.3 Bugs from Bob Stayton: The %tbl.table.mdl entity is missing the textobject* element in the CALS half of the declaration. It was in 4.2, so removing it would not be backwards compatible. Typo. 615587 Support xml:base To be added to %common.attrib; and %idreq.common.attrib; 616216 recursive Subset tag. Allowing (set|book)+ where (book)+ is currently allowed in set. 615473 Extend float values on figure? We added 'floatstyle' attribute on four formal object. Oversight. I wasn't able to validate an HTML table in the new DocBook 4.3b2. There seems to be some duplicate attributes declared. In <table>'s attlist, the %tbl.table.att; entity includes 'align', but so does %cellalign; used inside %secur; further down. Also, 'lang' and 'dir' attributes exist in both %common.attrib; and %i18n;, both of which are used inside %secur; Also, 'char' and 'charoff' are both used in entry twice. Once in the entry ATTLIST, and once in %cellalign; used in the same ATTLIST. Check and fix. Action: Norm to update and republish DocBook 4.3. | 7. DocBook V5.0 (RELAX NG) I'm working on it. Big open issues: - How to present RNG content models to the user (for documentation)? - How to transform the RNG grammar down to something that's deterministic enough for Trang to turn into a DTD. Action: Norm to post his stylesheet that attempts to convert existing DocBook documents to the "V5" style markup. | 8. Annotations Continued, pending Mike's action item. 8b. Topic Index NW: Explains the problem after more discussion with the submitter: the need is really for general index terms of different types. MS: TEI has this feature. And if you generate an index just from other markup, then you don't get the richness of secondary, tertiary, etc. If you really wanted to make a sophisticated index with different types, you'd need to have this kind of markup. NW: What are the semantics of this attribute? Proposal: add a 'type' attribute to 'indexterm' and 'index' to support this markup. Accepted. BS: How tightly we need to define the processing expectations? Proposed semantics: Indexterms of type 'x' go in index of type 'x'. An index with no type gets all of the index terms regardless of their type. In 4.3? Yes. | 9. Review of Requests for Enhancement | | [ Consult SourceForge, I haven't had a chance to review these ] | | To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line): | | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail& | group_id=21935&atid=384107&aid=XXXX | | 697374 marking up keycaps according to their semantics Old. | 740647 List or Table of Procedures. Processing expectation. | 742373 Splitting Segmented List Use entities. | 810932 Improved citation support Needs more consideration. Adjourn early, Norm promises to cleanup the SourceForge tracker for next month. - --- | [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200308/msg00037.html Be seeing you, norm - -- Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Serious-minded people have few http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | ideas. People with ideas are never Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | serious.--Paul Valéry -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/> iD8DBQE/cin2OyltUcwYWjsRAva0AKCp8QJcC8d4AdLMladLfhMRDBe9wQCgmnOQ UiQZrAD3KdrZO35ohf/tjE0= =qIV2 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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