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Subject: DOCBOOK: Using a bitmap file as book title

I want to use a jpeg file as the book title with the following xml code

<imagedata fileref="xxx.jpg"

Where exactly do I put this code?

Separately under <book><title>...</title> or
between the <title> tags?
How do I get a <title> line in the <head> section of my html file?
By adding the following code in the <mediaobject>?


Following the title there is a <bookinfo> section with <revhistory> in
The best result up to now is that the bitmap is displayed right of the
revhistory table.

Guy Thomas
Ubizen Knowledge Center
Grensstraat 1b
B-3010 Leuven
T: +32 16 28 73 52
F: +32 16 28 72 88
email: guy.thomas@ubizen.com

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