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Subject: Re: requestIDs and other topics

The schema Christine proposes looks good to me, and captures the idea of my
previous note.  A clarification on the text below:

 >> The intent is that an application of DSML v2 MAY associate a requestID
assigned by the application with a given request and the implementation of
DSML v2 will then include that requestID element in any and all responses
associated with the request.

I would word this as follows: If a DSML v2 implementation receives a
request with a specified request ID, it MUST include that requestID element
in any and all responses associated with the request.

Also, a suggested addition: If LDAPBatchRequestEnvelope and
LDAPBatchResponseEnvelope are used, it is reasonable to associate the
requestID with the batch request envelope instead of with the individual
requests it contains.  This would facilitate, for example, the posting of
an LDIF batch update as enveloped in a batch request with a single
requestID element.  I suggest that the LDAPBatchRequestEnvelope and
LDAPBatchResponseEnvelope syntax should be changed to add requestID as an
optional attribute.  If a DSML v2 implementation receives a batch request
with a specified request ID, it MUST include that requestID element in the
batch response envelope associated with the request.

--John McGarvey

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