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Subject: Un-proposal: Remove model="async" envelopes

Title: Message
Given that we're including support for "raw" DsmlRequest/DsmlResponse elements in DSMLv2, I no longer see a compelling reason to support model="async" envelopes.  (See my mail titled "Proposed DSML 2 schema changes," dated 8/7/2001 for background on model="async".)  I.e., it seems rational that async transports would use DsmlRequest/DsmlResponse elements, and request-response transports (like the SOAP and LDIF-replacement transports) would use DsmlEnvelopeRequest/DsmlEnvelopeResponse elements (in an implied model="sync" mode).
Does anyone object to my withdrawing my proposed model attribute on DsmlEnvelopeRequest envelopes and asserting all envelopes are request-response?

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