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Subject: Re: [dss] DSS profiles Overview document

Hi Nick !

> Juan Carlos and myself have been discussing about how to coordination the
> work on the profiles and suggest that the group produces a document
> including an overview of scope and approach of each profile.  This document
> could be an input to a working document to cordinate the profiles
> and their relationships and general issues, and finally provide users with 
> a roadmap of how to select and use the appropriate profile.

I just finished the discussion with my collegues, so attached you'll find the outline of a 'German signature law' profile.

Some open issues came up, so I would like to known the opinion of the group :

-  There are some aspects of the profile that aren't necessarely reflected in signature request input structure. E.g. the DSS server has to use 
a high security key store. Should we introduce an additional optional element ( like <usesSecureKeyStore>true</usesSecureKeyStore> ) for 
clarification or should we rely on the explanatory text of the profile ?

- Does anyone has an idea of profile versioning ? Do we want version aspects of the profile ( e.g. until 31.12.2006 1024 bit key length is 
sufficient, from 01.01.2007 1536 bit keys are mandatory ) or do we create a complete new version of the profile ?

- The german sig law requires that restrictions that apply to the signature or the used certificates have to be 'shown' at verification time. 
These restrictions usually are attached to the signature as an attribute certificate. Does any other profile has such a requirement so that it 
would make sense to include such a 'restrictions' element within the core schema ?




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