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Subject: ebBP 3/9/2005: Comment re: NameID Rules (wd 10)

In today's call we discussed the nameID well-formedness rules with the 
specific case of BusinessTransactionActivityType and 
BusinessTransactionRef. Where nameID references are required for a 
specific complex type, such rules apply. For example, every time a 
complexType (such as AttributeSubstitutionType, DocumentEnvelopeType, 
CollaborationActivityType) is used, the nameID reference is required. 
Other complexTypes have an optional nameID reference (i.e. they may or 
may not be used - such as performsRoleRef on PerformsType).

Question (Sacha Schlegel): Every @businessTransactionRef attribute’s 
value MUST be a value of a @nameID attribute of an element in the 
substitution group of BusinessTransaction. [Note: These elements MAY be 
children of ProcessSpecification or children of Package.]

Response: We are enforcing the nameID reference that helps to map back 
to a defined BT pattern, the process specification and a package (See 
BusinessTransactionHead in both cases).

***Dale, if you could give some clarifying language that could be placed 
at the beginning of this section, it would be beneficial. If you can do 
so, I would be happy to place Section 4.11.2. Note, that the 
well-formedness rules also need to be harmonized to the final schema 
(for example, BusinessTransaction
is now BusinessTransactionHead). We can coordinate updates/harmonization.***


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