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Subject: ebBP 3/21/2005: isPositiveResponse for DocumentEnvelopeType

In the comments received from Sacha Schlegel, he asked about the 
isPositiveResponse attribute on the DocumentEnvelopeType. Here is a 
summary and a proposed recommendation.

    * isPositiveResponse Summary
          o What currently exists:
                + isPositiveResponse exists on the DocumentEnvelopeType
                  although it doesn't have a fixed value.
                + isPositiveReceipt exists on the
                  ReceiptAcknowledgementType of extension of
                  SignalEnvelopeType although it does have a fixed value
                + isPositiveSignal exists on the
                  ReceiptAcknowledgementExceptionType of extension of
                  SignalEnvelopeType although it does have a fixed value
                + There are no such attributes on Acceptance
          o isPositiveResponse is an indicator for the condition guard
            for state transitions for Business Success, where the
            attribute is specified as 'true' or not specified (assumed
            to be 'true' [1]). This attribute, however, has not
            historically been used to determine success or failure in
            the business transaction protocol.
          o An explanation to why this attribute is as specified is held
            in Section
    * Open question: Should the default be specific by indicating:
          o Default is 'true.'
          o Default is 'false' and must be explicitly set by the
            partners to true (to achieve Business Success).
          o Note: On similar situations, we have selected 'true.' As it
            relates to the patterns matrices, irrespective of the
            condition guards, we have chosen 'false' with a
            recommendation (for intent and guaranteed messaging).
    * Proposed Solution
          o NO CHANGE: Do not specify any fixed value. For example, this
            may be part of a partial response that is handled in the
            choreography. This is different than our approach in
            specifying a default on SiganlEnvelopeType. It also supports
            the adjoining text on condition guard on the state
            transitions. Note, if this path is taken, the assumption in
            the preceding bullet [1] is still valid.

Please comment on the proposed solution as we will discuss tomorrow. Thanks.

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