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Subject: Reminder about Thursday Aug 23 11:30 AM Eastern time CPPAteleconference.

CPPA still needs a volunteer
for hosting September's teleconferences.

Subteam updates for:
Messaging Alignment,
BP Alignment,
(12 minutes)

Preliminary discussion of issues raised
on list. I will extract some that have
captured some interest and comment.
Others are welcome to raise their
favorite issues that we 
need to start discussing and
scoping, to see whether they are 1.1
or later changes. I think we need
to get started hearing views on 
what to change even before the close
of the comment period.

Thanks to Arvola Chan for his
careful checking of details
of examples and text, as well
as to helping focus attention on
areas needing clarification and 
probably some modifications!!

Dial In: 877 204 8750 
(International 706 679 5113)
Conference Code: 480 627 2648

Dale Moberg

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