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Subject: Two Comments on the negotiation draft

1.  It seems to me that one of the first tasks to be done is to identify all
the places  in the current version of CPPs where negotiation is needed
between the two parties to form a CPA.  Some such places currently
identified in the version 1.0 spec are

 a. Number of retries (section 4 (page 12))
 b. Transport security (Appendix F: Section on Matching security (page 102):
One can imagine some kind of negotiation taking place)

Explicitly enumerating all such places  will give us a starting point on
considering what kinds of negotiation would be useful. I think this would be
helpful whatever the scope of what we decide to do is.

2. We should start thinking about a process to prioritize what we should do.
One such process is to start a discussion of the relative
importance of the items in section 1.1. My vote would be to start off by
focusing on the automatic composition of two CPPs and then to generalize to
more abstract negotiation patterns.

Neelakantan Kartha
Sterling Commerce

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