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ebxml-iic-conform message

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Subject: [ebxml-iic-conform] RE: [ebxml-iic-msg] Requirements Merge


  Here is the html version, plus an updated xml version ( some validation problems fixed ).
The annotated spec will need to be updated to reflect the new sequence numbers of the test requirements.
Will work on that this weekend.

  Lots of issues to discuss in the Conformance Test Suite design.

   On another note, what is the status of the F2F?  If travel is involved, I need to notify my admin
folks 30 days prior.


At 11:16 AM 7/19/2002 -0700, Jacques Durand wrote:
Thanks for the renumbered test req items (now we know there are 216 of them!)
By the way, you should post on ebxml-iic-conform new list (you asked for it !)
Mike:  could you convert these new reqs into HTML so I can post a more readable version?
Also: normally, our TC should vote for release to MS TC.
So I would post it on our site today or this week-end,
 and ask for review and comments during next week (so updates still OK till then).
Then at next IIC conf call (July 29) as I'm not here, you can submit to the group (IIC)
a resolution to submit to MS TC (I would have prepared a companion doc to add to package).
If there is no objection, or  if majority OK, we submit (we don't have a formal liaison person  to MS TC anymore, but
we can transmit to Cliff Collins and Ian Jones, their chair.
I would notify them informally before, if OK with everyone.
So their TC can have an headstart on our stuff through our site)
As for the Profiles, I think they are not required for MS TC submission,
but we need to work on these for the final submission.:
Deliverabel #1: MS TC submission of test Reqs (end July):
- Test Reqs
- Annotated spec
Deliverabel #2: MS Conformance test Suite (to review interanlly and submit OASIS in Sept ), includes:
- Test Harness design
- test Reqs,
- possibly a digest of annotated spec,
- Profile definitions,
- Test Cases, and some sample XML script for some test cases.
Let me know if thats OK,
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew MacKenzie [mailto:matt@xmlglobal.com]
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 10:39 AM
To: ebxml-iic-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-iic-msg] Requirements Merge

Here is a merged copy of the requirements documents.  The <Level /> element is removed.  Is anyone volunteering to create the 3 TestProfile instances (schema attached)?

Attachment: ebxml-iic-msg-reqs.xml
Description: application/xml

Title: OASIS ebxml-iic TC -> Requirements

OASIS ebxml-iic TC: Conformance Testing Requirements

Master Requirements File: ebXML Messaging Services 2.0

ID Name Specification Ref Precondition Requirement Level Assertion
urn:req:id:1 Global Requirements for All Tests ebMS-2#1.3
urn:semreq:id:1 SchemaValidation ebMS-2#1.3 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED Supports all mandatory syntax defined in Core plus Additional Features
urn:req:id:2 PackagingSpecification ebMS-2#2
urn:semreq:id:2 GenerateConformantSOAPWithAttachMIMEHeaders ebMS-2#2.1.2 ( For each generated mesage, if it is multipart MIME or not text/xml ) REQUIRED The primary SOAP message is carried in the root body part of the message.
urn:semreq:id:3 GenerateConformantSOAPWithAttachMIMEHeaders ebMS-2#2.1.2 ( For each generated mesage, if it is multipart MIME or not text/xml ) REQUIRED The type parameter of the Multipart/Related media header is "text/xml", the MIME parts must contain a CID MIME header or a Content-Location MIME header structured in accordanced with RFC 2557
urn:semreq:id:4 GenerateCorrectMessagePackageContent-Type ebMS-2#2.1.2 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The Content-Type MIME header in the Message Package contains a type attribute of "text/xml".
urn:semreq:id:5 GenerateContent-IDStartValues ebMS-2#2.1.2 ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED The Content-ID MIME header in any generated Message Package contains a start attribute identifying the first MIME part.
urn:semreq:id:6 ProcessNon-MultipartMessages ebMS-2#2.1.2 ( For each received message, if the message is not multipart MIME ) REQUIRED The MSH accepts the message.
urn:semreq:id:7 ProcessMultipartNoPayloadMessages ebMS-2#2.1.2 ( For each received message, if the message is multipart MIME AND the message has no payload ) REQUIRED The MSH accepts the message.
urn:semreq:id:8 GenerateCorrectSOAPMessageContentType ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The MIME Content-Type header for each generated SOAP Message has the value "text/xml".
urn:semreq:id:9 GenerateSpecificSOAPMessageCharacterSet ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The MIME Content-Type header of each generated SOAP Message specifies the character set used to generate the message.
urn:semreq:id:10 GenerateSameEncodingAndCharacterSetValue ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if both the MIME charset and SOAP message encoding declaration are present ) REQUIRED They shall have the same value.
urn:semreq:id:11 GenerateDefaultSOAPMessageCharacterSet ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED The UTF-8 character set is used by default when encoding each SOAP Message.
urn:semreq:id:12 GeneratePayloadContainer ebMS-2#2.1.4 ( For each generated message, if the Message Package contains an application payload ) RECOMMENDED It should be enclosed in a Payload Container.
urn:semreq:id:13 ProvideEmptyManifestAndPayloadIntegrity ebMS-2#2.1.4 ( For each generated message, if there are no application payloads identified in the message header manifest᾿ ) REQUIRED There must not be any payload MIME parts
urn:semreq:id:14 ProvideManifestAndPayloadIntegrity ebMS-2#2.1.4 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The contents of each payload MIME part are identified in the Manifest element within any generated SOAP body
urn:semreq:id:15 ProcessUnrecognizedMIMEHeaders ebMS-2#2.1.5 ( For each received message containing unrecognized MIME headers ) REQUIRED Unrecognized MIME headers in a MIME part are ignored and no Error message is returned.
urn:semreq:id:16 GeneratePrologXMLDeclaration ebMS-2#2 ( For each generated message, if an XML Prolog is present in the SOAP message ) OPTIONAL The Prolog contains an XML declaration.
urn:semreq:id:17 GenerateXMLVersionInProlog ebMS-2#2.2.1 ( For each generated message, if the XML Prolog exists in the SOAP message ) REQUIRED XML version is declared
urn:semreq:id:18 ProvideXMLPrologEncodingAndMIMEContent-TypeIntegrity ebMS-2#2.2.2 ( For each generated message, if the XML Prolog exists in SOAP message AND Encoding is declared in the XML Prolog AND charset attribute is present in SOAP header container ) REQUIRED The encoding declaration matches the charset attribute of the Content-Type MIME header in the Header Container.
urn:semreq:id:19 GenerateCorrectExtensionElementNamespace ebMS-2#2.3 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED All ebXML extension elements included within generated SOAP Envelope, Header and Body elements are namespace qualified to: "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd"
urn:semreq:id:20 GenerateCorrectEnvelopeSchemaLocation ebMS-2#2.3.2 ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED SOAP Envelope elements include the XMLSchema-instance namespace qualified schemaLocation attribute indicating the extended ebXML envelope schema: "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/envelope.xsd"
urn:semreq:id:21 GenerateCorrectSOAPHeaderAndBodySchemaLocation ebMS-2#2.3.2 ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED SOAP Header and Body attributes both include a XMLSchema-instance namespace qualified schemaLocation attribute indicating the extended ebXML Msg Header schema "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd"
urn:semreq:id:22 GenerateCorrectSOAPHeaderNamespace ebMS-2#2.3.4 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED A SOAP Header element is namespace qualified as per the SOAP namespace declaration in the SOAP Envelope element with the namespace "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" .
urn:semreq:id:23 GenerateCorrectSOAPBodyNamespace ebMS-2#2.3.4 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED A SOAP Body element is namespace qualified as per the SOAP namespace declaration in the SOAP Envelope element with the namespace "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" .
urn:semreq:id:24 GenerateMessageHeaderInSOAPHeader ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED A SOAP Header element always contains an ebXML MessageHeader element.
urn:semreq:id:25 GenerateCorrectForeignElementNamespaces ebMS-2#2.3.6 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED Any foreign namespace qualified elements present within generated ebXML extension elements are namespace qualified with a namespace that is not "http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ebxml-msg/schema/msg-header-2_0.xsd".
urn:semreq:id:26 GenerateCorrectForeignElementNamespaces ebMS-2#2.3.6 ( For each received message ) OPTIONAL The candidate MSH ignores the namespace-qualified #wildcard element
urn:semreq:id:27 GenerateIdAttributeToExtensionElements ebMS-2#2.3.7 ( For each generated message ) OPTIONAL An XML ID attribute is supplied for each generated ebXML element (to assist with such tasks as specifying elements included in a digital signature).
urn:semreq:id:28 GenerateCorrectMessageHeaderVersion ebXML-2#2.3.8 ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED An ebXML MessageHeader element always contains a version attribute with a value of "2.0"
urn:semreq:id:29 GenerateCorrectSOAPMustUnderstandNamespace ebMS-2#2.3.9 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED All ebXML extensions of the SOAP Header element (MessageHeader, SyncReply, MessageOrder, ...) contain the mustUnderstand attribute namespace qualified to the SOAP namespace (http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope).
urn:semreq:id:30 ProcessMustUnderstand ebMS-2#2.3.9 ( For each received message containing a SOAP Header extension with a mustUnderstand attribute set to "1" and not understood by the MSH. ) REQUIRED The message is rejected in accordance with SOAP.
urn:req:id:3 CoreExtensionElements ebMS-2#3.1.1
urn:semreq:id:31 GenerateUniquePartyId ebMS-2#3.1.1 ( For each generated message, unless a single type value refers to multiple identification systems ) REQUIRED The value of any given type attribute must be unique within the list of PartyId elements contained within either the From or To element.
urn:semreq:id:32 ReportInconsistentPartyIdContent ebMS-2# ( For each received message, PartyId does not contain a type attribute AND PartyId text node is not a URI ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED MSH responds with an error (Inconsistent/Error)
urn:semreq:id:33 GenerateValidPartyIdContent ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if generated PartyId contains a type attribute ) RECOMMENDED Its value is a URI
urn:semreq:id:34 GenerateValidPartyIdContent ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if generated PartyId does not contain a type attribute ) REQUIRED Text content of the PartyId element must be a URI
urn:semreq:id:35 ReportFailedCPAIDResolution ebMS-2#3.1.2 ( For each received message, if value of the CPAId element on an inbound message cannot be resolved ) REQUIRED The MSH responds with an error (ValueNotRecognized/Error).
urn:semreq:id:36 ProvideConversationIdIntegrity ebMS-2#3.1.3 ( For each generated message within the context of the specified CPAId ) REQUIRED The generated ConversationId will be present in all messages pertaining to the given conversation.
urn:semreq:id:37 ReportConversationIdIntegrity ebMS-2#3.1.3 ( For each received message, if a message is received that is outside of the context of the specified CPAId ) RECOMMENDED An Error message is generated.
urn:semreq:id:38 ReportInconsistentServiceElementContent ebMS-2# ( For each received message, if the received "type" attribute is not set. AND If the Service element content is not a URI. ) REQUIRED MSH Responds with an error (Inconsistent/Error)
urn:semreq:id:39 GenerateConsistentServiceElementContent ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if the generated Service element "type" attribute is not set. ) REQUIRED Generated Service element content must be a URI
urn:semreq:id:40 ReportUnrecognizedServiceAndOrAction ebMS-2#3.1.5 ( For each received message, if the receiving MSH does not recognize both the Service and Action values of an incoming message ) REQUIRED It responds with an error (ValueNotRecognised/Error).
urn:semreq:id:41 ProvideRefToMessageIdIntegrity ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if the RefToMessageId element within the MessageData element is present ) REQUIRED It contains the MessageId value of an earlier ebXML Message to which this message relates.
urn:semreq:id:42 GenerateRefToMessageId ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if there is no earlier related message ) REQUIRED The RefToMessageId element is never present.
urn:semreq:id:43 GenerateErrorRefToMessageId ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if a previous message generated and error ) REQUIRED The RefToMessageId element is always present with a value indicating the message in error.
urn:semreq:id:44 ProcessTimeToLive ebMS-2# ( For each received message, if the MSH receives a message for which it is the To Party MSH and the time of the internal clock is greater than TimeToLive ( adjusted to UTC ) ) REQUIRED An error message is returned to the From Party MSH (TimeToLiveExpired/Error).
urn:semreq:id:45 GenerateValidUTCTime ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if a TimeToLive element is present in a generated message. ) REQUIRED The TimeToLive element expresses time in UTC, and conform to the XML Schema dateTime.
urn:semreq:id:46 GenerateDistinctLangValuesForDescription ebMS-2#3.1.8 ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED No two Description elements must have the same xml:lang attribute value
urn:semreq:id:47 GenerateNoPayloadOrApplicationDataInBodyOrManifest ebMS-2#3.2 ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED No payload/application data is present in generated SOAP Body / ebXML Manifest elements.
urn:semreq:id:48 ReportNon-ExistentMIMEPartForManifestReference ebMS-2#3.2.2 ( For each received message, ff there is not a matching payload for the xlink:href element of a generated Manidfest/Reference element ) REQUIRED An error message is directed to the From Party MSH (MimeProblem/Error).
urn:semreq:id:49 ReportUnresolvableHREFInManifest ebMS-2#3.2.2 ( For each received message, if the xlink:href element of a Manifest/Reference element on an inbound message specifies a URI that is not a content id (not "cid:"), and that cannot be resolved ) OPTIONAL The MSH reports an error to the From Party MSH (MimeProblem/Error)
urn:semreq:id:50 GenerateResolvableHREFInManifest ebMS-2#3.2.2 ( For each generated message ) OPTIONAL The xlink:href element of a Manifest/Reference element on an inbound message specifies a URI that is a content id ("cid:"), and can be resolved
urn:semreq:id:51 ProcessUnreferencedPayloads ebMS-2#3.2.2 ( For each received message, if a MIME payload part exists on an incoming message that is not referenced by a Manifest/Reference element ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED It is discarded.
urn:req:id:4 ErrorHandling ebMS-2#4.2
urn:semreq:id:52 ProcessUpstreamSOAPFault ebMS-2#4.2 ( For each received message ) REQUIRED The MSH can accept and process SOAP Fault values from a downstream SOAP processor.
urn:semreq:id:53 GenerateCompliantSOAPFaults ebMS-2#4.2 ( For each generated message, if an MSH returns a SOAP Fault message to the sender of a SOAP message ) REQUIRED The returned message conforms to the SOAP specification guidelines for SOAP Fault values.
urn:semreq:id:54 GenerateWarnings ebMS-2#4.2 ( For each generated message, when an ebXML message is reporting an error with a highestSeverity value of 'Warning' ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED It is not reported or returned as a SOAP Fault.
urn:semreq:id:55 ReportDataCommunicationErrors ebMS-2#4.2.2 ( For each received message ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED Errors associated with data communications protocols are detected and reported using the standard mechanisms supported by that protocol and do not use ebXML reporting mechanisms.
urn:semreq:id:56 GenerateNoErrorList ebMS-2#4.2.3 ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The ErrorList extension element of the SOAP Header element is never present if there are no errors to be reported.
urn:semreq:id:57 ProvideErrorAndHighestSeverityIntegrity ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED For each generated message, the highestSeverity attribute contains the highest severity of any Error elements generated in an outbound message.
urn:semreq:id:58 GenerateCorrectCodeContextValue ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The codeContext attribute of any generated Error element is always a URI.
urn:semreq:id:59 GenerateCorrectCodeContextNamespaceValue ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) RECOMMENDED The namespace/scheme specified by codeContext for identifying errorCodes is the default value of urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-msg:service:errors.
urn:semreq:id:60 GenerateCorrectErrorSeverityValue ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED Each Error element severity attribute has the value of Warning or Error indicating the severity of the error.
urn:semreq:id:61 ProvideXPointerAndErrorIntegrity ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if an error exists in an ebXML element ) REQUIRED The location attribute of the Error element is an XPointer to the erroneous element.
urn:semreq:id:62 GenerateReferencedMIMEPartErrorsWithCID ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if an error exists in a generated payload MIME part ) REQUIRED The location attribute of the generated Error element contains the content-id (via a well-formed "cid:") of the erroroneous MIME part.
urn:semreq:id:63 GenerateErrorCodesUsingLongDescription ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The "Short Description" text for each error code provided by the Message Service Specification does not appear in any relevant Error element.
urn:semreq:id:64 ReportErrorToMessageOrigin ebMS-2# ( For each received message, when an MSH detects an error in a message AND · The Error Reporting Location (see section to which the message reporting the error should be sent can be determined AND · The message in error does not have an ErrorList element with highestSeverity set to Error. ) RECOMMENDED The error is reported to the MSH that sent the original message in error.
urn:semreq:id:65 ProcessWithNoErrorReportLocation ebMS-2# ( For each received message, if the error reporting location cannot be found ) RECOMMENDED The error is: Logged; Resolved by other means; and, No further action is taken.
urn:semreq:id:66 ProcessCPPAErrorURI ebMS-2# ( For each received message, if the ErrorURI is implied in the relevant CPPA ) OPTIONAL Then this is used as the Error Report Location.
urn:semreq:id:67 ProcessWithNoCPPAErrorURIPresent ebMS-2# ( For each received message, if the ErrorURI is unavailable in the relevant CPPA ) OPTIONAL A URI specified in the From Party of the message is used as the Error Report Location.
urn:semreq:id:68 GenerateServiceAndActionForErrorsFromIndependentMessage ebMS-2# ( For each generated message, if an ErrorList is included as part of an independent message ) REQUIRED The values of Service and Action are; Service: urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-msg:service Action: MessageError
urn:semreq:id:69 ProcessErrorListWhereHighestSeverityEqualsError ebMS-2# ( For each received message, if the message in error has an ErrorList element with highestSeverity set to Error ) RECOMMENDED The error is: Logged; Resolved by other means; and, No further action is taken.
urn:req:id:5 SynchReply ebMS-24.3
urn:semreq:id:70 ProcessSyncReply ebMS-2#4.3.1 ( For each received message, if a SyncReply element is present in a message received over a synchronous communications protocol ) OPTIONAL That connection is kept open in expectation of the response message using the same connection.
urn:semreq:id:71 ReportMessageAndCPASyncReplyConflict ebMS-2#4.3.1 ( For each received message, if the CPPA syncReplyMode is set to none AND SyncReply element is present in an inbound message ) OPTIONAL The MSH issues an error (Inconsistent/Error).
urn:semreq:id:72 GenerateAgreeingMessageAndCPASyncReply ebMS-2#4.3.1 ( For each generated message, if the CPPA syncReplyMode is set to none ) OPTIONAL SyncReply must not be present in generated message.
urn:req:id:6 ReliableMsg ebMS-2#6
urn:semreq:id:73 ResendToAckReceivedOrExceeded ebMS-#6 ( For each reliably generated message, if the candidate MSH fails to receive an Acknowledgment message from a receiving MSH ) RECOMMENDED The candidate sends successive retries until an Acknowledgment is received
urn:semreq:id:74 ResendToAckReceivedOrExceeded ebMS-#6 ( For each reliably generated message, if the candidate MSH fails to receive an Acknowledgment mesage from a receiving MSH ) RECOMMENDED The candidate sends successive retries until a predetermined number of retries is exceeded.
urn:semreq:id:75 ResumeAfterAckReceived ebMS-#6 ( For each reliably generated message, if the candidate MSH receives an Acknowledgment from a receiving MSH ) RECOMMENDED The MSH stops resending the message and behaveas as if the message was successfully delivered.
urn:semreq:id:76 NotifyDeliveryFailureOnExceed ebMS-#6 ( For each reliably generated message, if the MSH is configured to resend AND the Sending MSH fails to receive any Acknowledgment message from the receiving MSH ) REQUIRED The Sending MSH sends successive retries at expected time intervals, then notifies the From party of delivery failure
urn:semreq:id:77 PersistReliableSentMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably sent message, after a system interruption AND the system recovers within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage and processsed as if the interruption had not occured.
urn:semreq:id:78 PersistReliableSentMsgNoAck ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably sent message, after a system interruption AND no Ack was received prior to the interruption AND the system recovers within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage and processsed as if the interruption had not occured.
urn:semreq:id:79 PersistReliableSentMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably sent message, after a system interruption ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage.
urn:semreq:id:80 PersistReliableReceivedMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message, after a system interruption AND the system recovers within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage and processsed as if the interruption had not occured.
urn:semreq:id:81 PersistReliableReceivedMsgNoAck ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message, after a system interruption AND no Ack was sent prior to the interruption AND the system recovers within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage and processsed as if the interruption had not occured.
urn:semreq:id:82 PersistReliableReceivedMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message, after a system interruption ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage.
urn:semreq:id:83 PersistReliableSentMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably sent message, after a system failure AND the system recovers within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage and processsed as if the interruption had not occured.
urn:semreq:id:84 PersistReliableSentMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably sent message, after a system failure AND no Ack was received prior to the interruption AND the system recovers within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is kept in persistent storage and processsed as if the interruption had not occured.
urn:semreq:id:85 PersistReliableReceivedMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message ) REQUIRED The complete message is kept in persistent storage.
urn:semreq:id:86 PersistReceivedMsgID ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message, in order to support the filtering of duplicate messages ) REQUIRED The MessageId of the received messaged is recorded in persistent storage.
urn:semreq:id:87 PersistRecdMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message ) RECOMMENDED The received message is recorded in its entirety at least until the information in the message has been passed to the application needing to process it.
urn:semreq:id:88 PersistReceivedMsgTimestamp ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message ) RECOMMENDED The time at which a message is received is recorded in persistent storage.
urn:semreq:id:89 PersistResponseMsg ebMS-2#6.1 ( For each reliably received message ) RECOMMENDED Each response message is stored in its entirety in persistent storage.
urn:semreq:id:90 TargetAckRequestedToOrNextMSH ebMS-2# ( For each generated non-multi-hop message ) REQUIRED The AckRequested element is targeted at the Next MSH or the To Party
urn:semreq:id:91 SetAckRequestedUnSigned ebMS-2# ( For each received message with an AckRequested with the Signed attribute set to False and consistent with the CPPA, ) REQUIRED The Acknowledgment message is unsigned.
urn:semreq:id:92 SetSignedAttributeAfterVerifyReceivingMSHAckSupport ebMS-2# ( For each received message with an AckRequested with the Signed attribute set to True consistent with the CPPA, if the Receiving MSH supports signed acknowledgment messages of the type requested ) REQUIRED The Sending MSH sends back a signed Acknowledgment.
urn:semreq:id:93 SetSignedAttributeAfterVerifyReceivingMSHAckSupport ebMS-2# ( For each received message with an AckRequested with the Signed attribute set to True consistent with the CPPA, if the Receiving MSH does not support signed acknowledgment messages of the type requested ) REQUIRED The MSH generates an Error of type Inconsistent, and severity = Error .
urn:semreq:id:94 SetSignedAttributeAfterVerifyReceivingMSHAckSupport ebMS-2# ( For each received message with an AckRequested with the Signed attribute set to True and NOT consistent with the CPPA, if the Receiving MSH supports signed acknowledgment messages of the type requested ) REQUIRED The MSH generates an Error of type Inconsistent, and severity = Warning .
urn:semreq:id:95 SendAckToFromParty ebMS-2# ( For each Acknowledgment request message, If an Acknowledgment is requested of the MSH node acting in the role of To Party ) REQUIRED The Acknowledgment element generated is targeted to the MSH node acting in the role of From Party.
urn:semreq:id:96 GenererateAckWithNoPayloadAndNoAckRequested ebMS-2# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, if the message contains no payloads ) REQUIRED The message does not include an AckRequested element.
urn:semreq:id:97 ReportErrorWithoutAckRequeseted ebMS-2# ( For each Acknowledgment message, if the message contains an ErrorList element ) REQUIRED The message does not include an AckRequested element.
urn:semreq:id:98 SpecifyNoSOAPActorToPartyAck ebMS-2# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, if there is no SOAP actor atrribute present on an Acknowledgement element ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED The default target is the ToParty MSH.
urn:semreq:id:99 SpecifySOAPActorToPartyAck ebMS-2# ( For each Acknowledgment message ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED The SOAP actor attribute in a generated Acknowledgment element has a value corresponding to the AckRequested element of the message being acknowledged.
urn:semreq:id:100 GenerateAckMsgTimestamp ebMS-2# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, if the From element is present ) REQUIRED The Timestamp element is present within any generated Acknowledgment element. The value is in XML Schema dateTime format in the UTC timezone and represents the time at which the message being acknowledged was received by the MSH generating the Ackowledgement Message.
urn:semreq:id:101 GenerateAckUsingMsgIDInRefToMessageID ebMS-2# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message ) REQUIRED The RefToMessageId element contains the MessageId of the message whose delivery is being acknowledged.
urn:semreq:id:102 IdentifyPartyWithAckFromElement ebMS-2# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, if the From element is present in an inbound message ) REQUIRED The From element in a generated Acknowledgment element contains an identifier of the party sending the Acknowledgment Message.
urn:semreq:id:103 IdentifyPartyWithoutAckFromElement ebMS-2# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, if the From element is omitted in an inbound message ) REQUIRED The value of the From element in the MessageHeader is used to identify the party sending the acknowledgment.
urn:semreq:id:104 UseSignedAckMustContainRef ebMS-# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, if the message being acknowledged contains an AckRequested element with the signed attribute set to "true" ) REQUIRED One or more Reference elements are included in the generated Acknowledgment element.
urn:semreq:id:105 QualifyRefElementByNamespace ebMS-# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message ) REQUIRED Any Reference elements included in a generated Acknowledgment element are namespace qualified to the XML Signature namespace and conform to the XML Signature specification.
urn:semreq:id:106 NotifyClientOfAckDelivery ebMS-# ( For each received Acknowledgment message ) OPTIONAL The From Party MSH notifies the client application of successful delivery of the referenced message.
urn:semreq:id:107 IgnoreDuplicateRefToMessageID ebMS-# ( For each received Acknowledgment message, if any subsequent Error or Acknowledgment messages with a RefToMessageId value equal to an already received Acknowledgment Message are received ) OPTIONAL The messages are ignored.
urn:semreq:id:108 SetAckServiceActionValues ebMS-# ( For each generated Acknowledgment message, If no errors were detected in the message received AND the Acknowledgment Message is being sent with no payload data ) REQUIRED The Service and Action values are: Service - urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-msg:service Action - Acknowledgment
urn:semreq:id:109 SetDuplicateEliminationAlways ebMS-#6.4.1 ( For each generated message, if the CPPA DuplicateElimination element = "always" ) REQUIRED The DuplicateElimination element is included to indicate to a Receiving MSH that it must eliminate duplicates.
urn:semreq:id:110 SetDuplicateEliminationtoNever ebMS-#6.4.1 ( For each generated message, if the CPPA DuplicateElimination element = "never" ) REQUIRED The DuplicateElimination element not present.
urn:semreq:id:111 SetDuplicateEliminationPerMessage ebMS-#6.4.1 ( For each generated message, if the CPPA DuplicateElimination element = "per message" AND the party requires duplicate elimination ) REQUIRED The DuplicateElimination element is present in the header of the message.
urn:semreq:id:112 ReceiveDuplicateEliminationAlways ebMS-#3.1.2 ( For each received message, if the CPPA DuplicateElimination element = "always" AND the received message does not contain a DuplicateElimination element ) RECOMMENDED The receiving MSH generates an Error message with an errorCode of Inconsistent and a Severity of Error.
urn:semreq:id:113 ReceiveDuplicateEliminationtoNever ebMS-#3.1.2 ( For each received message, if the CPPA DuplicateElimination element = "never" AND the received message contains a DuplicateElimination element ) REQUIRED The receiving MSH generates an Error message with an errorCode of Inconsistent and a Severity of Error.
urn:semreq:id:114 PersistMsgWithDuplicateElimination ebMS-#6.4.1 ( For each reliably sent message, if Duplication element is present on an inbound message ) REQUIRED The message is presented to the To Party Application at-most-once.
urn:semreq:id:115 PersistMsgWithDuplicateEliminationAndInterruption ebMS-#6.4.1 ( For each reliably sent message, if Duplication element is present on an inbound message AND the system recovers from an interruption within the TimeToLive window. ) REQUIRED The message is presented to the To Party Application at-most-once.
urn:semreq:id:116 ReportErrorIfDuplicateEliminationUnsupported ebMS-#3.1.2 ( For each received message containing a DuplicationElimination element, if duplicate elimination is not supported ) RECOMMENDED An Inconsistent/Error is reported to the From Party.
urn:semreq:id:117 ReportErrorDuplicateEliminationMsgToCPPA ebMS-#3.1.2 ( For each reliably received message, if the value of duplicateElimination in the CPPA is "always" AND a DuplicateElimination element is not present in the message ) RECOMMENDED An Inconsistent/Error is reported to the From Party.
urn:semreq:id:118 ReportErrorDuplicateEliminationMsgToCPPA ebMS-#3.1.2 ( For each reliably received message, if the value of duplicateElimination in the CPPA is "never" AND a DuplicateElimination element is present in the message ) RECOMMENDED An Inconsistent/Error is reported to the From Party.
urn:semreq:id:119 RedeliveryMsgbyRetries ebMS-#6.4.3 ( For each generated message, if the message that requested acknowledgment is not acknowledged within the RetryInterval ) OPTIONAL The message is redelivered up to a maximum number of retries as specified by the Retries parameter in the relevent CPA.
urn:semreq:id:120 RetryIntervalMinLapseTime ebMS-#6.4.4 ( For each reliably re-sent message, if the RetryInterval is present in the CPPA ) OPTIONAL The minimum time elapsed between re-sends of the same message is equal to the RetryInterval..
urn:semreq:id:121 SetTimeToLive ebMS-#6.4.5 ( For each reliably re-sent message, if the RetryInterval element is present in the CPPA ) REQUIRED The TimeToLive for the message satisfies the equation: TimeToLive > Timestamp + ((Retries + 1) * RetryInterval)
urn:semreq:id:122 PersistSentMsgLength ebMS-#6.4.6 ( For each reliably received message, if the PersistDuration parameter is present in the CPPA AND DuplicationElimination element is present in the messsage AND the message is presented once and only once to the application AND the same message is received again by the MSH before PersistDuration expires ) REQUIRED The message is presented only once to the application.
urn:semreq:id:123 PersistSentMsgLength ebMS-#6.4.6 ( For each reliably received message, if the PersistDuration parameter is present in the CPPA AND AckRequested element is present in the messsage AND the message is presented once and only once to the application AND the same message is received again by the MSH before PersistDuration expires ) REQUIRED An Acknowledgement message is sent back to the sending MSH.
urn:semreq:id:124 SendNoMsgWithLapsePersistDurationMsgID ebMS-#6.4.6 ( For each generated message, if the length of time specified by the PersistDuration parameter in the relevant CPA has passed since a message was first sent ) OPTIONAL A message with the same MessageId will not be sent again.
urn:semreq:id:125 ReptDeliveryFailureIfPersistDurationExpired ebMS-#6.4.6 ( For each reliably received message, if a message cannot be successfully delivered before expiry of the PersistDuration period ) OPTIONAL A delivery failure is reported.
urn:semreq:id:126 TimestampPersistDurationGreaterThanTimeToLive ebMS-#6.4.4 ( For each reliably sent message ) REQUIRED For each reliably sent message, the message satisfies the equation: PersistDuration > TimeStampe + TimeToLive.
urn:semreq:id:127 IgnoreSyncReplyMode ebMS-#6.4.7 ( For each reliablly sent messsage, if the communications protocol is not synchronous ) REQUIRED The value of the syncReplyMode in the relevant CPA is ignored.
urn:semreq:id:128 ReturnSyncReplyElementInResponsePayload ebMS-#6.4.7 ( For each reliably sent message, if ( in the context of the CPPA ) the syncReplyMode is not none ) REQUIRED A SyncReply element is present in the message.
urn:semreq:id:129 ReturnSyncReplyResponsePayload ebMS-#6.4.7 ( For each reliably sent message, if ( in the context of the CPPA ) the syncReplyMode is not none ) REQUIRED The MSH returns the response on the same synchronous connection.
urn:semreq:id:130 GenerateAckWhenAckRequested ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each reliably received message, if the AckRequested element that has a SOAP actor URI targeting the MSH ) REQUIRED An Acknowledgment Message is generated, with a RefToMessageId contaiing the same fvalue as the MessageIde element in the message being acknowledged.
urn:semreq:id:131 PersistAckWithOriginalMsg ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each received Acknowledgment message ) REQUIRED The message is placed in persistent storage with the same PersistDuration as the original message.
urn:semreq:id:132 DeliverAckWithResponse ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each Acknowledgment message ) REQUIRED The message can be delivered as part of the normal response to the received message.
urn:semreq:id:133 DeliverSeperatelAckServiceAndAction ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each Acknowledgment message, if the Acknowledgment element is sent seperately from the response to the received message ) REQUIRED The Service element value is "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-msg:service" and the Action element value is "Acknowledgment"
urn:semreq:id:134 DeliverSeperateAckRefToMessageId ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each Acknowledgment message, if the Acknowledgment element is sent seperately from the response to the received message ) REQUIRED The RefToMessageId element is set to the MessageId of the message received.
urn:semreq:id:135 DeliverSeperateAckFromValue ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each Acknowledgment message, if the Acknowledgment element is sent seperately from the response to the received message ) OPTIONAL The From element MAY be populated with the To element extracted from the message received and all child elements from the To element received SHOULD be included in this From element.
urn:semreq:id:136 DeliverSeperateAckToValue ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each Acknowledgment message, if the Acknowledgment element is sent seperately from the response to the received message ) OPTIONAL The To element MAY be populated with the From element extracted from the message received and all child elements from the From element received SHOULD be included in this To element.
urn:semreq:id:137 AckNotReceivedResend ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each generated message containing an AckRequested element, AND if an Acknowledgment message has not been received AND the time specified in the RegryInterval parameter has passed since the last message was sent AND the message has been resent less than the number of times specified in the Retries parameter ) REQUIRED The Sending MSH resends the original message."
urn:semreq:id:138 AckNotReceivedMaxRetriesExceeded ebMS-#6.5.3 ( For each generated message containing an AckRequested element, AND an Acknowledgment message has not been received after the maximum number of retries ) REQUIRED The Sending MSH notifies the application and/or system administrator of the failure to receive an Acknowledgment Message."
urn:semreq:id:139 ResendMsgOnCommError ebMS-#6.5.4 ( For each reliably sent message, if there is a communications protocol error during a message send ) REQUIRED The message is resent as if the MSH had not received an Acknowledgment Message.
urn:semreq:id:140 SendOriginalAckOnDuplicateMsg ebMS-#6.5.5 ( For each reliably received message, if a duplicate message is received AND the original acknowledgment is still present in the persistent store ) OPTIONAL This original Acknowledgment Message is resent.
urn:semreq:id:141 GenerateSyncResponseOnDuplicateMsg ebMS-#6.5.5 ( For each reliably received message, If a duplicate message is received AND the original acknowledgment is not present in the persistent store AND the syncReplyMode is set to none AND the CPA indicates that an application response is included ) OPTIONAL response from the application is gathered by the MSH and returned synchronously.
urn:semreq:id:142 GenerateAckMsgOnNonSyncDuplicateMsg ebMS-#6.5.5 ( For each reliably received message, if a duplicate message is received AND the original acknowledgment is not present in the persistent store AND the syncReplyMode is not none ) OPTIONAL A new Acknowledgment Message is generated and sent.
urn:semreq:id:143 ReportErrorOnMsgWithAckReqNoTransmit ebMS-#6.5.7 ( For each reliably received message, if the message contains an AckRequested element AND the message cannot be delivered because the message could not be transmitted ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED An error message is sent to the From Party. The reported error is DeliveryFailure/Error.
urn:semreq:id:144 GenerateWarningErrorOnMsgWithAckRequested ebMS-#6.5.7 ( For each reliably received message, if the message contains an AckRequested element AND the message was transmitted but no acknowledgement was received ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED An error message is sent to the From Party. The reported error is DeliveryFailure/Warning.
urn:semreq:id:145 NotifyFailureByAlternateMeans ebMS-#6 ( For each reliably received message, if an Error Message is generated with an error code set to DeliveryFailure AND an Error Message cannot be delivered successfully ) REQUIRED The ultimate destination of the error message is informed of the failure by some undefined means.
urn:req:id:7 MsgOrder ebMS-2#9
urn:semreq:id:146 EnableMsgOrderWithReliableMsg ebMS-2#9 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element ) REQUIRED The DuplicateElimination is present and AckRequested directed to the To Party MSH and absence of a SyncReply element.
urn:semreq:id:147 ProcessSequenceMsg ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, when two messages are received, each with a MessageOrder element, and the same conversationID ) REQUIRED The MSH processes messages only in the sequence indicated by the SequenceNumber element.
urn:semreq:id:148 PassOrderedMsgToApplication ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND when receiving ordered messages with the same conversationID out of sequence ) REQUIRED The message is not passed to the destination application until all messages with a lower (earlier) SequenceNumber have previously been passed.
urn:semreq:id:149 GenerateDeliveryFailureOnOutOfSequMsg ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND if the maximum number of out-of-sequence ordered messages have been received ) REQUIRED The Sending MSH is sent an error and the error code is DeliveryFailure and severity set to Error.
urn:semreq:id:150 UseZeroSequenceNoForFirstOrderedMsgForConversation ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND if this is the first ordered message for the ConversationID ) REQUIRED The SequenceNumber element has value of 0."
urn:semreq:id:151 UseStatusResetForFirstOrderedMsgForConversation ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND if this is the first ordered message for the ConversationID ) REQUIRED The status attribute of the message is set to "Reset".
urn:semreq:id:152 UseZeroSequenceNoForFirstOrderedMsgAfterReset ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND this is the first ordered message after a reset instruction is sent by the Sending MSH ) REQUIRED The SequenceNumber element has value of 0 and the status attribute of the message is set to Reset.
urn:semreq:id:153 UseStatusReseetForFirstOrderedMsgAfterReset ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND this is the first ordered message after a reset instruction is sent by the Sending MSH ) REQUIRED The message is set to Reset.
urn:semreq:id:154 UseZeroSequenceNoForFirstOrderedMsgAfterWrap ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a MessageOrder element AND this is the first ordered message after the sequence wrapped at value 99999999 ) REQUIRED The SequenceNumber element has value of 0.
urn:semreq:id:155 ResetMsgSeqForConversation ebMS-2#9.1.1 ( For each generated message, when sending a message with the MessageOrder element AND if the status attribute is set to "Reset" ) REQUIRED All previous messages for this conversation must have been accounted for.
urn:semreq:id:156 SyncReplyMsgNotIncludeMsgOrder ebMS-2#9.2 ( For each received message, if the message contains a SyncReply element ) REQUIRED A MessageOrder element is never included in the same message as a SyncReply element.
urn:semreq:id:157 ReportErrorMsgOrderSyncReply ebMS-2#9.2 ( If a message is received in which the MessageOrder element is included with a SyncReply element ) RECOMMENDED An error is reported. The error is Inconsistent/Error.
urn:req:id:8 SecurityAndCommunicationChannels ebMS-2#4
urn:semreq:id:158 Signature elements SignOutboundMsg ebMS-2#4.1 ( For each generated message, when one or more Signature elements is present ) REQUIRED It is the child of the SOAP Header.
urn:semreq:id:159 Signature elements SignOutboundMsg ebMS-2#4.1 ( For each generated message, when one or more Signature elements is present ) REQUIRED It is namespace qualified witih XML Signature.
urn:semreq:id:160 Signature elements SignOutboundMsg ebMS-2#4.1 ( For each generated message, when one or more Signature elements is present ) REQUIRED Its structure and content conform to the XML Signature specification.
urn:semreq:id:161 AttributeSignatureElement ebMS-2#4.1 ( If there is more than one Signature element within the SOAP Header ) REQUIRED It is the first signature that represents digital signing of the message by the From Party MSH.
urn:semreq:id:162 ApplySecurityBasedOnTransportOfCPA ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message if,based upon the Transport section of the relevent CPA, a signature is required for the entire message ) REQUIRED A Signature element must be present, and its SignedInfo element contains a Reference element to the SOAP envelope which has a URI attribute value of ""
urn:semreq:id:163 GenerateSignToXMLDSIG ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each signed message ) REQUIRED Digital signatures are generated and rendered according the XML Signature specification (XMLDSIG).
urn:semreq:id:164 GenerateSignToXMLDSIG ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each signed message ) REQUIRED The SignedInfo element has a CanonicalizationMethod, SignatureMethod and one or more Reference elements.
urn:semreq:id:165 GenerateSignToXMLDSIG ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each signed message ) REQUIRED The SignatureMethod element is present and has an Algorithm attribute on any generated digitally signed message.
urn:semreq:id:166 SignCanonicalMethod ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) RECOMMENDED The canonicalization method applied to the data to be signed is Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"
urn:semreq:id:167 SignatureMethodAlgorithmAttribute ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) RECOMMENDED The value of the Algorithm attribute is Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#dsa-sha1"
urn:semreq:id:168 SupportDSA-SHA1SignAlgorithm ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements, ) REQUIRED The MSH supports the signature algorithm DSA-SHA1, validates the signature and passes the message to the application.
urn:semreq:id:169 AddOptionalReferenceAttribute ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) STRONGLY RECOMMENDED The MSH supports the optional addition of the informative Type attribute with value "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#Object" on the XML Signature Reference element.
urn:semreq:id:170 IncludeMandatoryTransformElementToEnvelopedSign ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) REQUIRED The generated XML Signature Reference element includes a child Transform element which in turn includes a first Transform element with an Algorithm attribute of value "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature".
urn:semreq:id:171 GenerateMandatoryTransformWithExcludeSOAPActor ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements, (CPA, Transport section) that requires signature ) REQUIRED A second Transform element is generated with the requisite XPath element excluding all elements with SOAP actor attributes targetting the nextMSH or next SOAP node.
urn:semreq:id:172 CanonicalizationTransformElementAlgorithmAttribute ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) OPTIONAL The last generated Transfom element has an Algorithm attribute with a value of "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315".
urn:semreq:id:173 XMLSignReferenceURIForPayload ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) REQUIRED Any payload data requiring digital signature is identified by an XML Signature Reference element that has a URI attribute resolving to the location of that data.
urn:semreq:id:174 MapSignReferenceURIToManifestPayload ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements ) RECOMMENDED The value of the URI attribute of a generated XML Signature Reference element matches the xlink:href URI value present in the Manifest/Reference element corresponding to that same payload.
urn:semreq:id:175 GenerateSignPriorToTransferEncoding ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each generated message with one or more Signature elements, and with transfer encoding ) REQUIRED Signature generation takes place before any transfer encoding (eg base64) is applied to the SOAP Envelope or payload MIME parts.
urn:semreq:id:176 SignAckReferenceElementList ebMS-2# ( For each received signed message ) REQUIRED A digitally signed inbound message may be acknowledged with a digitally signed acknowledgement. Any such acknowledgement message contains an XML Signature Reference element list corresponding to the Reference elements contained in the original message.
urn:semreq:id:177 AuthenticatePartyByCommunicationChannel ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) OPTIONAL The communication channel used to transport the ebXML message can be used to provide uni or bi-directional party authentication (eg TLS over TCP/IP).
urn:semreq:id:178 ProvideMsgContentDataIntegrityByCommunicationChannel ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) OPTIONAL The communication channel used to transport the ebXML message can be used to provide data integrity of the message content (eg TLS over TCP/IP).
urn:semreq:id:179 SignMsgPriorToEncryption ebMS-2# ( For each generated message if,based upon the Transport section of the relevent CPA, a signature is required for the entire message AND if signature and encryption of a message component is requested of the MSH ) REQUIRED Signing takes place prior to encryption.
urn:semreq:id:180 ProvideMsgContentDataConfidentialityByCommunicationChannel ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) REQUIRED The communication channel used to transport the ebXML message can be used to provide data confidentiality for the message content (eg TLS over TCP/IP).
urn:semreq:id:181 AuthorizeMsgWithBilateralAuthenticationByNetworkProtocol ebMS-2# ( For each generated message ) OPTIONAL The source of an ebXML message can be authorised by using a secure network protocol for bilateral authentication of certificates prior to establishing a session (eg TLS over TCP/IP).
urn:req:id:9 MessageStatusService ebMS-2#7
urn:semreq:id:182 GenerateStatusResponseWithReliableMessaging ebMS-2#7 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the RefToMessageId child element references a previously received message that had been sent reliably and is present in persistent storage ) RECOMMENDED A Message Status Response Message is returned.
urn:semreq:id:183 GenerateStatusResponseWithoutReliableMessaging ebMS-2#7 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the RefToMessageId child element references a previously received message that had not been sent reliably ) OPTIONAL A Message Status Response is returned.
urn:semreq:id:184 ReportUnsupportedService ebMS-2#7 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the message is received for a service that is not supported ) RECOMMENDED An Error Message is returned with an errorCode of "NotSupported".
urn:semreq:id:185 GenerateValidStatusRequestMessage ebMS-2#7.1.1 ( For each received message, If the MessageHeader child Action element is equal to "StatusRequest" ) REQUIRED The message consists of no payload and the MessageHeader/StatusRequest elements configured as specified in the Message Service Specification and is not included along with any of the Manifest, StatusResponse, or ErrorList elements.
urn:semreq:id:186 ProcessUnauthorizedStatusRequest ebMS-2#7.1.3 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized by the MSH AND the message is received from an party deemed to be unauthorised ) OPTIONAL A response is sent with the messageStatus attribute set to "UnAuthorized".
urn:semreq:id:187 ProvideRefToMessageIdAndMessageIdIntegrity ebMS-2#7.3.1 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized by the MSH AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised AND a StatusResponse is generated for this request ) RECOMMENDED In the returned StatuResponse element, the RefToMessageId element child of the MessageData element specifies the MessageId of the message containing the associated StatusRequest element. In addition, the RefToMessageId element child of the StatusResponse elements always contains the MessageId of the message whose status is being queried.
urn:semreq:id:188 SetTimestampRecognizedAndAuthorized ebMS-2#7.3.2 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised ) REQUIRED In the response message, the Timestamp child element of the StatusResponse element contains the time at which the message being reported on was originally received.
urn:semreq:id:189 SetTimestampNotRecognized ebMS-2#7.3.2 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is not recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised ) REQUIRED The Timestamp child element of the StatusResponse element is not present in the response message.
urn:semreq:id:190 SetTimestampNotAuthorized ebMS-2#7.3.2 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be unauthorised ) REQUIRED The Timestamp child element of the StatusResponse element is not present in the response message.
urn:semreq:id:191 GenerateUnauthorizedMessageStatus ebMS-2#7.3.3 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the messaged is received from a party deemed not to be authorized AND the message is recognized ) REQUIRED The messageStatus attribute in the StatusResponse element has a value of 'UnAuthorized'.
urn:semreq:id:192 GenerateNotRecognizedMessageStatus ebMS-2#7.3.3 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is not recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised ) REQUIRED The messageStatus attribute in the StatusResponse element has a value of 'NotRecognized'.
urn:semreq:id:193 GenerateReceivedMessageStatus ebMS-2#7.3.3 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised ) REQUIRED The messageStatus attribute in the StatusResponse element has a value of 'Received'.
urn:semreq:id:194 GenerateProcessedMessageStatus ebMS-2#7.3.3 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised ) REQUIRED The messageStatus attribute in the StatusResponse element has a value of 'Processed'.
urn:semreq:id:195 GenerateReceivedMessageStatus ebMS-2#7.3.3 ( For each received message, if the message contains a StatusRequest element AND the the StatusRequest child RefToMessageId element value is recognized AND the message is received from an party deemed to be authorised AND the message identified by the RefToMessageId element in the StatusRequest element has been forwarded by the MSH ) REQUIRED A StatusResponse with a 'Forwarded' messageStatus is be present in the returned message.
urn:req:id:10 PingService ebMS-2#8
urn:semreq:id:196 ReportServiceNotSupported ebMS-2#8 ( For each received message, if the message header Action element contains a child Ping element AND the requested service is not supported ) RECOMMENDED A message with an Error element is returned with an errorCode of "NotSupported" and a highestSeverity attribute set to "Error".
urn:semreq:id:197 GenerateValidPingMessageStructure ebMS-2#8.1 ( For each generated message, if the message headerAction element contains a child Ping element ) REQUIRED The message consists of no payload and the MessageHeader and Signature elements are configured as specified in the Message Service Specification.
urn:semreq:id:198 GeneratePongResponse ebMS-2#8.2 ( For each received message, if the message header Action element contains a child Ping element AND the requested service is supported AND The Ping request is occurring under normally expected conditions, and the the received message is authorized and not interpreted by the Receiving party as part of an attack. ) OPTIONAL A message header Action element containing a child Pong element is returned. The message contains no payload and the MessageHeader & Signature elements are configured as specified in the Message Service Specification.
urn:req:id:11 MultiHopModule ebMS-2#10
urn:semreq:id:199 SetMultiHopIntermediaryNextMSH ebMS-2#10.1 ( For each generated multi-hop message ) OPTIONAL The AckRequested and Acknowledgment elements have the SOAP actor attribute set to NextMSH (urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-msg:actor:nextMSH).
urn:semreq:id:200 RemoveIntermediaryAckRequested ebMS-2#10.1.1 ( For each received multi-hop message, when a node acts as an intermediary ) REQUIRED The node removes any AckRequested element with a SOAP actor attribute of NextMSH.
urn:semreq:id:201 InsertIntermediaryAckRequested ebMS-2#10.1.1 ( For each received multi-hop message, when a node acts as an intermediary ) OPTIONAL The node can insert a single AckRequested element with a SOAP actor attribute of NextMSH.
urn:semreq:id:202 GenerateSingleAckRequestedForNextMSH ebMS-2#10.1.1 ( For each generated multi-hop message with the SOAP actor attribute value targetting the NextMSH ) REQUIRED There will not be two AckRequested elements in the same message.
urn:semreq:id:203 SyncReplyNoAckRequestedForNextMSH ebMS-2#10.1.1 ( For each generated multi-hop message, if a SyncReply element is present in a message ) REQUIRED An AckRequested element with SOAP actor attribute targetting the NextMSH is never included.
urn:semreq:id:204 GenerateErrorWithSyncReplyAckRequested ebMS-2#10.1.1 ( For each received multi-hop message, if the SyncReply and AckRequested elements is received in one message AND the AckRequested element is received in the same message ) REQUIRED An error is reported with an errorCode of "Inconsistent".
urn:semreq:id:205 GenerateIntermediaryAckMsgIfNoSyncReply ebMS-2#10.1.1 ( For each received multi-hop message, when a node acts in the role of intermediary AND no SyncReply element is specified ) OPTIONAL A node may synchronously return an intermediate Acknowledgment Message to the Sending MSH.
urn:semreq:id:206 GenerateAckBasedBasedOnActor ebMS-2#10.1.3 ( For each received multi-hop message, if an inbound message contains two AckRequested elements where one addresses NextMSH AND another AckRequest addresses the ToParty MSH AND the receving MSH is the ToParty MSH ) REQUIRED The MSH node is in the combined role of Next and ToParty MSH, and will send two Acknowledgments
urn:semreq:id:207 GenerateIntermediaryAckMsgAtComplete ebMS-2#10.1.3 ( For each received multi-hop message, a reliable message received by an MSH node in the role of intermediary ) REQUIRED The message is not acknowledged until the message is both persisted and delivered to the Next MSH.
urn:semreq:id:208 GenerateIntermediarySignedAck ebMS-2#10.1.4 ( For each received multi-hop message, when a signed Acknowledgment Message is requested by an intermediate node ) REQUIRED The message is only generated as a standalone message and is not bundled with any other data (payload).
urn:semreq:id:209 NoMsgOrderProcessForIntermediary ebMS-2#10.2 ( For each received multi-hop message, when the MSH acts in the role of intermediary ) REQUIRED The MSH does not attempt to participate in Message Order processing.
urn:semreq:id:210 RequestDownstreamAck ebMS-2#6.3.1 ( For a downstream ( Next ) processor , if an AckRequested element is received ) REQUIRED An acknowledgment is returned.
urn:semreq:id:211 GenerateMultipleAckRequested ebMS-2#6.3.1 ( For each generated multi-hop message, if there are two AckRequested elements in a generated message Header ) REQUIRED The two AckRequested elements do not specify the same value for their respective SOAP actor attributes.
urn:semreq:id:212 TargetAtMostOneAckNextMSH ebMS-2#6.3.1 ( For each generated multi-hop message ) REQUIRED At most one AckRequested element may be targeted at the actor URI for the Next MSH.
urn:semreq:id:213 TargetAtMostOneAckToPartyMSH ebMS-2#6.3.1 ( For each generated multi-hop message ) REQUIRED At most one AckRequested element may be targeted at the actor URI for the To Party MSH in a given message.
urn:semreq:id:214 IgnoreIntermediaryDuplicates ebMS-#6.5.2 ( For each reliably received message, when the MSH acts as an intermediary node ) REQUIRED The MSH does not filter out perceived duplicate messages.
urn:semreq:id:215 ControlIntermediaryMSHHandling ebMS-2#4.1.3 ( For each received multi-hop message, when a node acts as an intermediary ) REQUIRED The MSH does not change, format or in any way modify any element not targetted at that intermediary MSH. The MSH does not add or delete white space.
urn:semreq:id:216 TargetAckRequestedToOrNextMSH ebMS-2# ( For each generated multi-hop message ) REQUIRED The AckRequested element is targeted at the NextMSH

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