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Subject: RE: FW: [ebxml-iic-interop] comments on Interop suite

At 12:15 AM 1/20/2003 -0800, Jacques Durand wrote:
Mike: inline
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kass [mailto:michael.kass@nist.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 9:12 PM
To: Jacques Durand; Jacques Durand
Cc: 'matt@mac-kenzie.net'; 'mmartin@certivo.net'; 'ebxml-iic-interop@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: RE: FW: [ebxml-iic-interop] comments on Interop suite

At 07:19 PM 1/15/2003 -0800, Jacques Durand wrote:
Hope these answers are useful...
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kass [mailto:michael.kass@nist.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 1:05 PM
To: Jacques Durand
Cc: 'matt@mac-kenzie.net'; 'mmartin@certivo.net'; 'ebxml-iic-interop@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: RE: FW: [ebxml-iic-interop] comments on Interop suite


   More comments.  Key questions:

1) Need to assign <Manifest><Reference xlink:href =""abc">" at the application level in order to do any
meaningful payload testing for interop, otherwise we have no way of fetching or evaluating a particular
payload ( no CID to refer to ).
[Jacques Durand] because we are at application level, we know that the MSH provides us with an interface
(API, queuing, callback...) for:
(a) when building a message to be sent, specifying the payloads we want to send, and their names,
(b)  when receiving a message, getting a list of payload names, and content, in some way.
The way to do (a) and (b) may differ across MSH implementations, but given the right adapter,
our test driver can expect to always get/set this data, and in the current interop set-up, will get/set it like if
it were an application.
So I think this allows for using your GetPaylod() op, just by using the app-level "name" (not sure if we need
to specify the "cid:" prefix) of the payload.
We may assume that GetMessage() will provide the Test Driver with the list of received payload names.
But we don't even need this assumption as we know what payloads to expect when we write test cases.
(does anyone see cases where that would not work?)

2) Fold <SetPayload> operation into <Manifest> declaration, and eliminate <SetPayload> as an operation..
not needed, and it is cleaner.
[Jacques Durand] I think the SetPayload op is still useful: It tells which payload file to  pick (e.g. a URI),
and will associate with it the payload "name" we want to see in the message. The Manifest alone can't do that.
In putMessage(), When using Test Driver directly  at transport level, we need to define Manifest.
When using it at application level, Manifest content will be actually determined by the sequence of
SetPayload ops we do, by sender MSH. So its not important if we don't mention it, but we can for consistency.

[MIKE] - We could  add a <Manifest xlink:href=""payload-1"" filename="abc.xml"/>  That would solve the problem of needing to
have both a <SetPayload> operation and a <Manifest/> declaration.  <Manifest/> could be used to set payload both at
either application level, or at transport level, depending on mode.  We would only have to reference the payload one time, in the <Manifest/> declaration,
and could eliminate SetPayload entirely, for both conformance and interop testing.

[Jacques Durand] 

[Jacques Durand] I am a little uncomfortable with this kind of shortcut : this extension to Manifest elt is no longer compatible with the ebXML envelope schema, which we were trying to respect, see [TestFramework] "...The XML syntax used by the Test Driver to construct the ebXML Manifest extension content consists of the declaration of an Manifest element. All required content, as defined in the schema in the ebXML MS v2.0 Specification, is provided through either default parameters defined in the ebXMLTestSuite.xsd schema in Appendix C, or by explicit declaration ...". That might be confusing to people: they may want to use same esxpression later on when crafting test cases "on the transport", and that won't be consistent with the message envelope expected by the schema. I see that not negative at all to have a separate operation to attach payloads... different from envelope building in putMessage() main message expression. Is the shortening of test case script the only advantage you see in removing setPayload?
Frankly, your idea of adding a setPayload op was not bad initially!

[MIKE2] - OK.  I was doing that to avoid the "MIME" issue, but since it is clear that we will be able to manipulate CIDs  ( or Manifest "href" values ) at the application level, then we can leave this in.

3) Define a standard message payload format for including the digest(s) of payloads used in the PayloadVerify
operation, consisting of a list of CIDs and their corresponding Digest values.
[Jacques Durand] We could do that. Note that in Test Service definitions, we were assuming that payloadVerify
would compare received payload(s) with local copies of the payload(s), and just send back a status message.
Drawback is, a copy of the payload(s) has to be pre-installed on each party host before testing.

[MIKE] - Plus the drawback of additional computation time for determining signature of pre-installed file... each time we
execute PayloadVerify 

We may assume that, in case there is no local copy to compare with, the status message is replaced by a
"digest" message that lists the digest values (or signature) for each received payload.
When getting back this digest message, we would compare these
in VerifyContent op with digest values created by putMessage() before sending to payloadVerify() .
Is that what you suggest? (any XML format in mind for this? )

[MIKE] - Yes. Send a simple payload stating what the digest values for 1-N payloads, with 1-N CIDs and matching digest values
to the Test Service PayloadVerify action.  The PayloadVerify action could then verify those signatures against what it computes, and send back a payload
with a report, as shown above.  This would be nice, because anyone can submit any number of payloads, without the Test Driver or Test Service already having to
know about it, or have files pre-installed.
[Jacques Durand] Mike: agree except for one thing: the pre-computed signature (I prefer to call it digest, as this is actually the part of the signature we need) should be pre-installed in the Test Service of the remote party. (or send in a separate "administration" message (to "configurator" action?) - but I'd reserve that to a future version) Because again we can't piggyback it on a "normal" message - which again would assume that we add a special payload - that would twist the test case: technically, when we say "3 payloads", we should send 3 and not 4. Same if we say 1 payload. So I think it is not really a big deal to require preinstalling these digests (big improvement from pre-installing the entire payloads). Opinion?

[MIKE2] - We can do this.  I still have a question about the Configurator action.  If CPAId is provided in a message to MSH, why is CPAId also provided to Configurator action?  Doesn't the
MSH "self-configure" based upon CPAId in message?  If not, do we need to make a call to the Configurator action at the start of every message conversation? Or at the start of a test suite?

 The XML would be:

(Send 3 payloads, an XML, gif and Word file.. Test Driver would recognize the "PayloadVerify" Action declaration, and create an additional payload that
contains signature values for all 3 payloads along with their CIDs, and send it to the "PayloadVerify" Action on the Test Service side.

<eb:MessageHeader eb:Action="PayloadVerify">
<eb:Reference xlink:href=""cid:payload_1"" fileName="payload_1.xml" />
<eb:Reference xlink:href=""cid:payload_2"" fileName="payload_2.gif"/>
<eb:Reference xlink:href=""cid:payload_3"" fileName="payload_3.doc" />

(Test Service "PayloadVerify" Action receives this message, along with 4 payloads ( 3 files plus special payload containing their signatures ), and
computes signatures for 3 files itself, compares their signature values with those sent in message payload, and sends message back to Test Driver
with pass/fail result for each payload.)

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