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Subject: Updated test material for today's conference call

Title: next call Monday 9th
Jacques and all,
   Here is another iteration on the MS 2.0 Conformance Test Suite.  I fixed a lot of errors in the
coding, which should be helpful to Tim Sakach in his development work.  
I am also  including a "Testing Coverage" HTML document
that lists requirements that were not tested and my reasons  for not testing them.  Please feel free to
comment on them.
   I am beginning work on the "abstract test cases", and will use an XSL stylesheet to transform  the executable
test cases into something less rigorous and distilled, resembling what is in the BIP document.  The tests are already
"grouped" by functionality, and also by testing method.. so a few well-placed UML sequence diagrams may provide
a "baic" understanding of test case design.
   I am attending a training class today, but hopefull will be able to break away for the conference call.  Just in case
I do not make it, I am sending these two documents for discussion.  I will send the Abstract Test Document later this week.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 2:38 AM
Subject: [ebxml-iic] next call Monday 9th


Time: Monday June 9th, 11am PT
Host: Fujitsu
Toll Free - :  1-800-251-6413
Toll - :  1-913-905-1400
Participant code: 598136


1. Status on external related activities
- A word on the strategic aspect of global MS interop testing (Rik Drummond):
requirements/purpose, logistics, test suites (role of BIP?), IP issues, market.
- others? (eBES, ITG)

2. MS conformance test suite spec. (Mike / Jacques)
- review current status and test suite material.
- comments on our test requirements (Mike Dillon?)
- main spec format: test case narrative...

3. Test suites for other specs:
- BPSS testing (Serm)
- review / comments on the "test requirements guidelines" (Monica).

4. TestFramework implementation and product status
- Implementations under way (Tim Sakach, Mike )


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