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Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic] Test Framework Question

Thanks Mike.
I was reading Section 5-7 (TR, TP, and TC) of version 1 dated May 03. I think here is why I was confused.
Section 5 says that TR is test harness independent. Section 6 says "A Test Case is the translation of a TR (or a part of a TR), in an executable form, for a particular Test Harness".
Due to my problem context, I might have too concrete interpretation to the "Test Harness". I interpreted it as perhaps different languages, for example, I may be writing the TC in Java or in C++. That's why I was asking how the TD knows which TC to use b/c it does say which Test Harness it is associated with (maybe that's the configurationGroup element).
It seems like TC in IIC is more abstract b/c it is descriptively defined using XML and then Test Harness implemented in whatever languages reads this XML to execute the test. In my problem context, a TC is a rule written in either schematron or another rule script language. I think I understand better now.
I think I understand better now.
One more question though, why do you have Test Suite reference TCs instead of TRs. In my mind, TS is a functional grouping of tests, hence I should point to TRs. On the other hand, I see TP as arbitrary grouping of tests, so it could point to TCs. I think I am missing a lot things b/c IIC's TRs and TCs are much more complicated.
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic] Test Framework Question

    What particular sectio of the spec are you reading?  The answer is:  yes, one Test Requirement may have multip;e Test Cases to verify that an implemenatation satisfies that requirement.  For instance,
a Test Requirement that states that all ebXML extension elements MUST have a "soap:mustUnderstand" attribute present.  This may require multip;e Test Cases to verify that an implementation does this.
(one Test Case for SyncReply, one Test Case for Acknowledgment testing, one Test Case for MessageStatus testing...etc...)   So, each of those Test Cases would point to that single Test Requirement, and ALL of them must
pass successfully for an implementation to say that it satisfies that requirement.
   A Test Driver identifies which TCs satisfy a requirement by examining the TC's "requirementReferenceID".. which is a pointer (via ID) to that particular TR.  A Test Driver then executes all TC's that "point" to a particular TR.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 11:24 AM
Subject: [ebxml-iic] Test Framework Question

Jacques and Mike et.al,
I looked over the TF doc and have a question. In the test material, Test Profile is an aggregation of Test Requirements. Test Driver takes a Test Profile and searches for associated Test Cases and execute them.
However, in one section the it is describing that a TR may have multiple TCs associated as one may have multiple ways of validating the TR. The question is how the Test Driver can identify a specific TC for a TR that has multiple TCs associated or I am missing something?
Thank you,

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