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Subject: Some comments on WD 10

Some Comments on WD 10:


------------------------ L304:


"The response message, in case a two-way underlying protocol is used:..."

replace with:

"In case a two-way underlying protocol is used, the MEP complies with either one of the following rules:"

(a) The response message MAY...

(b) The response message MAY...

(c) The response message MAY NOT..."




L293 (2.2.1)

replace "are performed by"

with: "take place between"




replace "the initiating MSH"

with : "the initiator MSH"




add at end of 1st sentence:

"[...is a flow...to a set of Receiving MSHs] in the sense given in flow networks theory."



End of 2.3.3, L363-366:

After thoughts, unnecessary restriction: remove these lines.




2.3.1: L345:

name for default pipe is missing:





remove entire section 2.4 (irrelevant with new definition of pipes)




Section 3.1:

- first bullet: rename P-Mode.protocol instead of P-Mode.transport (propagate in 3.2), and add:

"This feature also includes information about which SOAP version is to be used (SOAP-1.1 or SOAP-1.2)."

- fifth bullet: (P-Mode.messagePipes)

replace: "It also controls the use of the PullRequest signal."

with: "It allows control of the use of the PullRequest signal, and includes access codes associated with pipes."



Section 3.2:

first bullet: replace:

"Default P-Mode.transport: HTTP 1.0 transport assumed, with default configuration (on

standard port)"


"Default P-Mode.protocol: HTTP 1.1 transport assumed, with default configuration (on

standard port). SOAP 1.2 assumed.






replace "Pulled -transfer mode"


"message pulling"




"Pulled-transfer mode - or Pull mode- is defined in an abstract way by the One-way Pull ebMS MEP"


"Message pulling is defined in an abstract way by the One-way Pull ebMS MEP".




- rename @fromPipe --> @pipe.

- replace:

"This REQUIRED attribute contains a pipe Id (URI) that indicates which pipe the message is to be pulled

from. This in turn indicates which Receiving MSH is initiating the transfer. It is RECOMMENDED that

mbox values be unique, meaning that if two different MSHs are sending PullRequests to a third MSH for

the same fromPipe value, then it is really the case that both MSHs are pulling from the same pipe)."


"This OPTIONAL attribute identifies which pipe the message is to be pulled

from. The absence of this attribute indicates the default pipe."


NOTE: several examples need update, e.g. the term mbox or "forMbox" is still used in the header.





Fig 9: several eb:Error elements may be present.





Remove first bullet (@syncresp), or rather replace it with:


"This OPTIONAL attribute contains a URI that identifies the message pipe to which the message is

assigned. The absence of this element indicates the use of the default pipe. When the message is pulled,

the value of this attribute MUST indicate the pipe requested in the PullRequest message." Remove last bullet.



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