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Subject: Working on AS4 Profile ticket and encountered some issues that need your attention

Hi Makesh, hi Sander,

We have started work on your request for the AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0
(http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-870 and
http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN-871) and we have run
into two issues.

1. The approval in your minutes says "Dale moves the motion to approve
the current AS4 WD 25 to CSD 5 ..." and "Package: CSD, XSLT, example
document in appendix. (sample folder)." It doesn't include links for
the files the TC is approving.

We need to have the Kavi URLs for the document(s) being approved
included in the motions to approve working drafts for processing and
the same URLs included in the ticket requesting the CSD and public
review. That is to ensure that anyone can connect the
dots from what the TC approved to what we ultimate publish in the
OASIS Library as well as be assurred that everyone on the TC knew what
they were voting for. Language like...

"Dale moves the motion to approve the current AS4 WD 25 (contained in
http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/committees/download.php/45124) as CSD 5
and request the chairs to submit a request to TC admin to upload the
CSD. Sander seconds it. No other discussions on this.
Approved & adopted unanimously that we make the working draft to a
Committee Specification Draft."

… will meet the need perfectly.

2. This is a more serious issue for me. The document submitted is in
edit mode, with hundreds of unaccepted changes and a note in the
margin on page 2. This wasn't immediately evident because display
changes was turned off. I have a hard and fast rule that we don't
change content only apply the cover pages. That's to avoid any
confusion about who is responsible for the content of the spec. If an
issue comes up with the content and we changed the file, it now
muddies the waters about what may have happened.

Would you please do the following for me?

- Produce a clean copy of the Working Draft with all changes accepted
and comments removed and
- Reapprove it with the link using language like the above

and then send me the link to the document & to the approval in an
email. I will hold the ticket in place in the queue so that as soon as
I have the clean copy from you, we will continue with the work and get
it out for public review.

Thanks & let me know if you have any questions.


Chet Ensign
Director of Standards Development and TC Administration
OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society

Primary: +1 973-378-3472
Mobile: +1 201-341-1393

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