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Subject: RE: Svar: [egov-services] eGov Service Subcommittee charter brainstorm1/31/02

would a white/yellow pages deliverable be a product of our goals.... ?? dl

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Bang Kjeldgaard [mailto:mbk@itst.dk]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 2:43 PM
To: Lewis, Diane; 'egov-services@lists.oasis-open.org'
Subject: RE: Svar: [egov-services] eGov Service Subcommittee charter
brainstorm 1/31/02

Well to me "Best practise" regards "recommandations" og "good stories"
regarding how to make eGovernmetn, how to develop datamodels for
interoperability purposes, how to make XML schema and how to develop

Concerning the services group it seems to me, that some of the most
important questions are:
- how do we go about standardising across government agencies, across
tiers of governemt and across nations?
- how do we go about making "eGovernemt" standards in a way that not
only coordinates with the needs of the private sector, but also improves
both public and private administrative efficiency
- which areas of administration/service should we give high priority
- how can we define a common methodoly that allows a optimal and
realitic level of coordination in order to avoid redundant data
- at what level can we agree on common standards (syntax or semantic -
the latter being much more difficult)


>>> "Lewis, Diane" <Diane.Lewis@usdoj.gov> 31-01-2003 20:26:53 >>>
how do your objectives for our committee differ from best practices???

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Bang Kjeldgaard [mailto:mbk@itst.dk] 
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 2:20 PM
To: Lewis, Diane; 'egov-services@lists.oasis-open.org' 
Subject: Svar: [egov-services] eGov Service Subcommittee charter
brainstorm 1/31/02

>>> "Lewis, Diane" <Diane.Lewis@usdoj.gov> 31-01-2003 20:09:32 >>>
Statement of Purpose  (review eGov TC charter)

OASIS text:    A forum for Governments internationally to voice their
needs and
                    requirements with respect to XML-based standards. 

where does our subcommittee work tie into the eGov TC charter..

<DL:  work with other OASIS channels and other international standards
bodies' channels
 (e.g. XML.org for schema registry and/or information portal), to act
as a clearinghouse of
information related to applicable specifications/standards as well as
activities and projects being conducted by Governments in the adoption
of XML-based systems and                        standards. >

Goals of the Sub-TC  (what do we want to accomplish?)

- Identify common needs regarding standardisation of informations
objects and dataelement. 
- Formulate a common methodology regarding analysys of form, documents
and processes (dataneeds)
- Formulate a common methodology for defining priorities
- Achieve a minimum level of consensus on priorities in order to
coordinate work done in many different organisations in order to share
knowledge as well as achievements (datadefinitions)>

List of deliverables  (purpose/content of each identified deliverable)

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