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egov-websrv message

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Subject: Interoperable Services SC Business

Several items for your attention:

1.  We are still in need of volunteers to lead and contribute to each of
the deliverables specified in the charter.  Please review the deliverables
and let me know as soon as possible which you are willing to contribute to
and in what capacity.  (Graham Beaver has already volunteered to lead
development of the first deliverable).  Deliverable leads will be
responsible for clarifying or further refining  deliverable definitions (as
needed) and coordinating development of the deliverable with assistance and
support from contributing team members.  Please volunteer if at all
possible - the value that we can offer is only as good as the effort that
we put into the deliverables.

2.  We still need someone to serve as secretary for the SC (or perhaps a
rotating pool of a few people).  To date, we have relied on volunteers to
fill the role for a specific meeting/telecon only, but I would like to have
a bit more continuity in this role.  Please let me know if you are willing
to fill this important role.

3.  All SC members should have access to the OASIS Kavi system by now.
Please let me know if this is not true for you, and I will work with the
Kavi administrator to resolve any outstanding problems.  Once we have
confirmed that all SC members have access to Kavi, I would like to use the
group email capability within Kavi (egov-websrv@lists.oasis-open.org) as
the primary means for us to communicate as a team.  This will simplify how
we collaborate (currently, the SC actually has two listservs -   which are
difficult to keep in sync and result in redundant email traffic).  If I do
not hear from you by next Friday (3/11) on this topic, I will assume that
you are able to access Kavi and will begin using it as our primary
collaboration tool at that time.

4.  Future events:

(a)   I am planning to have an SC teleconference on April 24 to review the
SC status and planning for the London TC meeting.  Time: 11am-12pm US EST.
Please mark this time on your calendars - I will provide an agenda and
dial-in information soon.

(b)  John Borras is arranging/coordinating meeting facilities for the SC
meetings at the London conference, to occur prior to the main TC meeting on
May 8.  He is trying to schedule separate meeting times for each SC so that
anyone with an interest in multiple SCs will not face a conflict.  Stand by
for further details.

Thanks to all for your assistance - please email or call with any


David Layton
GSA, Office of E-Government & Technology
E-Government Strategy Division
Phone: 202-219-0815

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