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Subject: RE: [egov] Future of eGov TC

This does appear to be a really critical need - and could pump lots of steriods into the patient!
BTW - there are commercial products aimed internally at the enterprise that can show the usefulness of this whole area - with very real ROI. For example  http://troux.com/products/pm/apo.asp for inventory of applications and tracking their lifecycle and re-use.
Extending this across government is a challenge - but as you note - the surefire failure approach is the "landfill" one - of - dump your stuff in our landfill and leave and we'll figure it out from there.  Ownership has to be sustained and continuous - so that people take ownership in their submissions and continue to update and maintain them.  If of course their long range planning and funding is also tied to this - then they have extra incentives to show the value of their systems!!
A wiki is a crude approximation of course - and wikipedia an excellent demo for what may potentially be achieved by enabling a community of practice rather than a central authority.

"The way to be is to do" - Confucius (551-472 B.C.)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [egov] Future of eGov TC
From: "Peter F Brown" <peter@pensive.eu>
Date: Tue, December 12, 2006 10:35 am
To: <egov@lists.oasis-open.org>
Cc: <patrick.gannon@oasis-open.org>,
<carol.cosgrove-sacks@oasis-open.org>, <pim.vandereijk@oasis-open.org>

Dear all:

I had interesting discussions with both Patrick Gannon and Carol Cosgrove-Sacks of OASIS at the Adoption Forum in London the other week. In the course of our talks, the issue of the future of the eGov TC arose once again.

I expressed my view that the TC will only work on the basis of organic rather than synthetic developments: in other words: if we attempt to create a piece of work for the sake of demonstrating the usefulness of the committee - say "let's build an eGov upper-level ontology" then I believe we are less likely to succeed than if we identify a current gap in eGov work that the TC might be able to fill and then see what that translates into in terms of practical work.

In an attempt to do just that, I would like to put to the TC a very first sketch of some work that I started on within the Austrian government and then with the European standards agency, CEN (whose 'eGov Focus Group' I nominally chair) but which hasn't got off the ground because of a contractual issue with the European Commission.

The initiative was entitled "eGovernment Resources Network" and attempted to build a model with which public agencies could develop resources sharing capabilities - whether those resources be data models, requirements studies or full-blown eServices - on the backbone of a standards-based framework. An introduction to the issue can be found at www.pensive.eu/uid/0101 and a draft discussion paper at www.pensive.eu/uid/0079.

In the paper, a number of recommendations are put forward including the need for an eGovernment Information Model - with which any resources made available for sharing with others can be labelled and described in a standard fashion à la SOA - and a Collaboration Framework Model - identifying and possibly defining some methods and protocols that could be deployed to identify, access, share and possibly orchestrate available resources by other public authorities.

These issues have aroused a lot of interest within the European Union but the European Commission has tended to want to protect and extend current initiatives in this space but which tend towards, what I would consider a somewhat dated "give me all your stuff and we'll publish it through a portal" model rather than the "keep your own stuff but make it available in a federated environment" model that I and others have advocated.

Are others facing or addressing this or similar issues around federation and re-use of (scarce and costly) public eGov resources?

Would there be interest in discussing this further and taking these and other recommendations through the TC? Spawning creation of a specific TC to do this, as per the TC's charter? or any other approach?

As I've stated before, I'm not in favour of artificial respiration and reanimation of a dead body but would be prepared to apply some defibrillation to establish a regular pulse of activity if there are signs of life...

Best regards,


Peter F Brown
Chair, CEN eGovernment Focus Group
Founder, Pensive.eu
Co-Editor, OASIS SOA Reference Model
Lecturer at XML Summer School
+43 676 610 0250

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