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Subject: RE: [election-services] ELECTION & VOTER SERVICES COMMITTEE

John & all,

Can the group discuss/comment on, the e-voting process paper that you just
been circulated, I think we should agree on that first, then we can refine
the abstract model for the schemas to be standardised.  I made many
assumptions about the e-voting process when I first drafted the model.
These may or may not turn out to be correct.  So lets all agree on the
process paper, I can then update the model paper, which in turn has an
effect on the security requirement paper, which in turn may have an effect
on the schema itself.


John Ross

-----Original Message-----
From: Borras John - e-Envoy e-Government -
Sent: 12 November 2001 09:04
To: 'election-services@lists.oasis-open.org'; 'john.w.stevens@bt.com';
'paul.spencer@boynings.co.uk'; 'robin.anthony@state.mn.us'; 'Glidden,
Subject: [election-services] ELECTION & VOTER SERVICES COMMITTEE

Attached are the minutes of our recent teleconference meeting.

Also attached is the paper summarising the workshop on e-voting processes.
This is for review and discussion at the meeting on 29 November.
 <<e-voting processes.rtf>>
TJ Rainsford/John Stevens - have you been able to sort video conference
facilities for 29th?

Please note that I have confirmed the meeting in Orlando for 14th December.
I'll let you have full details in due course.

Gregg - can you post all this information on the web site please.


John Borras

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