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election-services message

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Subject: Components for EML OSI solution


Looking here to identify the peices of the puzzle here,
and which peices are custom solutions and which
as provided as OSI components.

Here's the steps that I have for the process and
then a thumbsketch of OSI and solution peices:

1) Voter registration and ballot day sign-in - separate system,
    with separate counts and reporting at end of day.
   Providers voters with access to voting system to
   cast their ballot.  Uses OASIS EML formats and process
   for voter registration and ballot access.

   OSI - component that writes / reads EML voter records.
             component that creates access authority for voting
             and associated certificate.
  Solution - UI and database to store records and manage them.

2) Separate Voting system that voters access to select choices,
    make vote, passes choices to VVPAT printing system,
    creates electronic record of vote.  Supports disabled
    access and multilingual access.  Simple BallotID 
    attached to records (IEEE specification example) 
    to allow full reconcilation and realtime auditing.
    Uses OASIS EML formats for voting and printing

    OSI - component that returns formatted ballot 
              given EML ballot record and XSLT.
            - context driven support for multi-lingual,  
               and VoiceXML rendering.
            - component that creates random ballotID
            - component that creates voting record
               for storage and printing
     Solution - UI and voting process control software.

3) Ballot printing system - creates paper record, and 
    printing audit electronic record.  Voter confirms
    paper ballot detail, and casts vote into ballot box.
    Ballot is designed to be scannable and scanned
    count is also maintained. BallotID printed on ballot.
    Uses OASIS EML formats for describing ballot 
    layout and printing control and scanned record
    OSI - component that reads EML ballot record,
              applies XSLT - controls printing - returns
              EML print confirmation event details.
    Solution - manage printing and storage of print
                    and vote records.
    Solution - ballot scanning and creation of EML
                    record of scanned ballot.

4) Realtime counting - after polls close - provides
    100% crosscheck between counts from 1), 2) and 3).
     So count from 2) is *not* taken as the sole authority,
     but crosschecked via BallotID against records from
     3).  Overall total of votes cast must reconcile with
     totals by precinct from 1) - allowing for spoiled 
     ballots.  Takes OASIS EML records and counts
     them.  Counting software is open source and 
     developed by open source project.  Will work 
     with any EML compatible voting records system.

   OSI - ballot counting and reconcilation.
           - vote record diagnostic tools.

   Solution - presentation of count results and
                  crosscheck diagnostics.
                - country specific vote diagnostic tools
                   that conform to local laws.

The goal is to provide the underlaying functions as
OSI - and then allow solution providers to 
provide localization and value-add above that.

It also - by using 3 separate count systems - gives
a banking style ATM level of robust auditability
and trust.


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