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election-services message

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We have very nearly finalised the changes for v5 and I want to get a date in the diary for our next TC meeting to review and agree the changes.  I am proposing a teleconference on Monday 29 January commencing at 15.00 GMT ( ie 16.00 Central Europe, 10.00 EST).   Can you let me know as soon as possible if this is not convenient please.  Alternatives are 30/1 or 31/1 at the same time.
Can someone volunteer to host the teleconference call please?
The main agenda items will be as follows:
EML v5 - I will distribute the complete package of new schemas and updated documentation in the next few days to allow you time to review them before the meeting. 
EML White Paper - following comments on the last draft of the Business Case for EML white paper I am revising it and will post this for comment also in the next few days.
Interoperability Testing Day - it has been suggested that we should hold an OASIS Interop Day to show off how EML works across various platforms.  These Interop days are now a regular feature of OASIS activity and have proved very successful for other TCs to demonstrate their standards.  Dee Schur will join us to tell us what's involved and advise us on the preparation should we agree to hold such an event.
If anybody has other items they would like added to the agenda please let me know.
M. +44 (0)7976 157745

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