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Subject: RE: [election-services] Better data model - simple item - "Id"
Hi David, The original intention was that Id exists as an element when it
is an external Id such as an electoral roll number. It is used as an attribute
when it is an internal system Id. Paul From: David RR Webber (XML)
[mailto:david@drrw.info] Team, This might be an easy one to fix? We appear to use
"Id" as an attribute everywhere - but we have 4 different definitions
for it. In emlcore we could add a single type definition - and then
reference that everywhere "Id" occurs. A small step for EML... Are there one or two other candidates? I don't want to have
too many of these to do at this point - but obvious ones that are highly used
seem like worthwhile to fix at this point. Thanks, DW ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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