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Subject: Re: [election-services] EML60Analysis


I looked at the EML-v6-dictionary-full.xml file when I began my inquiry, but I decided for flexibility and precision to process the xsd file directly.

I apologize if my original posting wasn't clear.  The actual analysis results are contained in the zip file that was attached to my posting; the pdf file was just a cover letter to give people a high-level overview.  The 47 names that are used in different way in different contexts each have their own detail file in the results/nameAnalysis directory of the zip file.  In each file, the exact file and line number of each occurrence of the name in question is documented. 

As an example, I attached the proposer.txt detail file to this message.  This file indicates where the 3 occurrences of the element "Proposer" are defined.  Two of the occurrences are defined as anonymous complex types and their text definitions are copied directly into the file.  EML60Analysis hashed these definitions and one can clearly see that the two anonymous definitions are identical.  This is a case where the analysis detected a duplicate definition.  What we do about it, of course, is a separate matter.

I hope this answers your concern about manually chasing down a multitude of occurrences.  I wouldn't be much of a programmer if couldn't get a machine to do that kind of grunt work!


On 12/01/2009 10:21 PM, David RR Webber (XML) wrote:
20091201212110.dc066b1d4d2e0a1a65719ae85a8071e6.582023653a.wbe@email.secureserver.net" type="cite">
This is useful additional analysis to the existing EML-v6-dictionary.xml and .xls
However in the EML-v6-dictionary - context shows where items are used.
Similarly it is most helpful to identify where an actual definition is made - since mostly we try to put these in the -include xsd - or the EMLcore import so that things are consistent.
Things that are not defined in an include - but could be moved to an include, or changed to reference the include definition - especially to/from EMLcore - would be the most useful analysis.
Otherwise its going to take many hours by hand to find out where what the program is reporting is actually located to change it. 
Thanks, DW

Created by EML60Analysis (v0.10) on Sun, 29 Nov 2009 15:19:58 -0600.

This file documents a name that appears in multiple places,
but where it occurs, the name (1) differs in its case, 
(2) differs in its use (kind), or (3) differs in its type.
The format of each location record is:

   <file name> (<line no.>): <slash separated path to name>

Overview Section
Names: Proposer
Kinds: Element
Number of occurrences: 3
Number of type/ref definitions: 2

Location Section
210-nomination-v6-0.xsd (69): Nomination/Nominate/Proposer
Type definition:
  Anonymously typed element Proposer =
        <xs:extension base="ProposerStructure">
                <xs:element name="Sign" minOccurs="0">
                            <xs:element ref="ds:Signature"/>

610-optionsnomination-v6-0.xsd (57): Nominate/Proposer
Type definition:
  Anonymously typed element Proposer =
        <xs:extension base="ProposerStructure">
                <xs:element name="Sign" minOccurs="0">
                            <xs:element ref="ds:Signature"/>

emlcore-v6-0.xsd (142): Proposer
Type definition:

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