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election-services message

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Having the attached diagram to hand will be useful for our discussions later today.  It attempts to show the interdependencies between the various stands of activity.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk] 
Sent: 03 September 2010 11:59
To: 'EML TC'

Hi All

Just to confirm the details of our next TC call.  It will be held on Thursday 9th at 15.00 UK/16.00 CET/10.00 EST and the dial-in numbers are listed below thanks to Peter.

The agenda will be as follows:

 - approving v6 as an OASIS Standard
 - ISO accreditation (see http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/liaison_policy.php#submitwork)
 - the plans for v7 and the review of Audit requirements (see attached Wishes List and disposition of v6 Public Review comments)
 - IEEE/P1622 alignment (see my email of today to P1622 entitled EML Introduction)
 - Any Other Business 

Most of these items are inter-related so we will need to decide what our priorities are before we can finalize future work plans.  

If you have any other items for discussion please let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Zelechoski, Peter [mailto:pzelechoski@essvote.com]
Sent: 25 August 2010 13:50
To: John Borras; EML TC
Subject: RE: [election-services] RE: Groups - oasis - Ballot "Approve EML v6.0 as a Committee Specification" has closed

Yes, we can use the following number for this meeting:

Access number 9701242#
International access numbers:
Country	Toll free number
ARGENTINA (ARG) 08006660535
AUSTRALIA (AUS) 1800422903
AUSTRIA (AUT) 0800292133
BAHAMAS (BHS) 18003890358
BELGIUM (BEL) 080011001
BRAZIL (BRA) 08008916666
CANADA (CAN) 8007475150
CHILE (CHL) 800201834
CHINA NORTH (CHINA NETCOM) 108007140554 CHINA SOUTH (CHINA TELECOM) 108001400554 COLOMBIA (COL) 018009198705 COSTA RICA (CRI) 08000150520 CROATIA (HRV) 0800222925 CYPRUS (CYP) 80096145 CZECH REPUBLIC (CZE) 800142545 DENMARK (DNK) 80885167 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (DOM) 18887514525 ECUADOR (ECU) 1800010182 FINLAND (FIN) 0800111500 FRANCE (FRA) 0800902121 GERMANY (DEU) 08001815802 GREECE (GRC) 0080016122038705 HONG KONG (HKG) 800968124 HUNGARY (HUN) 0680015295 ICELAND (ISL) 8008077 INDIA (IND) 0008001006002 INDONESIA (IDN) 0018030113967 IRELAND (IRL) 1800301280 ISRAEL (ISR) 1809458705 ITALY (ITA) 800784864 JAPAN (JPN) 00531160307 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (KOR) 00308140429 LATVIA (LVA) 8000743 LUXEMBOURG (LUX) 80023953 MALAYSIA (MYS) 1800807041 MEXICO (MEX) 0018005148713 MONACO (MCO) 80093338 NETHERLANDS (NLD) 08000221859 NEW ZEALAND (NZL) 0800448295 NORWAY (NOR) 80011139 PANAMA (PAN) 008002269713 PHILIPPINES (PHL) 180011100762 POLAND (POL) 008001114564 PORTUGAL (PRT) 800819684 RUSSIAN FEDERATION (RUS) 81080022611012 SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS (KNA) 18002038705 SINGAPORE (SGP) 8001011435 SLOVAKIA (SVK) 0800004235 SOUTH AFRICA (ZAF) 0800990930 SPAIN (ESP) 900977042 SWEDEN (SWE) 0200285607 SWITZERLAND (CHE) 0800563946 TAIWAN, THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA (TWN) 00801126571 THAILAND (THA) 0018001562038705 TURKEY (TUR) 00800142038705 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (ARE) 8000170508 UNITED KINGDOM (GBR) 08004960577 UNITED STATES (USA) 8007475150 URUGUAY (URY) 00040190112 VENEZUELA (VEN) 08001004176

P1622_EML timeline.pdf

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