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Subject: Re: [election-services] Reviewing EML against needs for UOCAVA

Title: Reviewing EML against needs for UOCAVA

Thanks for all this analysis this is perfect and timely.

I think this reinforces why we need EML 7.0 to resolve all these.

Now - a chunk of these items are in the EML 505 already - but - need to make sure they go into EML-core-v7 - so that 
they also propagate into the EML 100, 200, 300, 400 places too.  That I have already made a start with.

Some of these items I thought we already had - and some - the VToken enhancement - clearly we can make.

What I'm seeing is to take what you have here - and add a "Resolutions" column - and work through indicating what
the decisions are and change details where needed.

This plus the EML 505 work then I believe should get us very close to V7 release review candidate - and I'm thinking
next two or three weeks here to have that ready.

Thanks, DW

On 3/9/2011 9:55 AM, Zelechoski, Peter wrote:
B7D2DB00E612CA49A445B375B0F433831989BB8B@ESSOMAEXC2.essvote.corp.local" type="cite">

John –


It took me a few extra days but I finally got through reviewing the prior P1622 needs against the v6 of EML.  I have attached that analysis.


- Peter


From: John Borras [mailto:johnaborras@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: 2011-03-07 2:33 AM
To: 'EML TC'
Subject: RE: [election-services] Reviewing EML against needs for UOCAVA


Hi All


Is anyone in a position to help Peter please?   If we don’t have an answer is this something to fix in v7?




From: Zelechoski, Peter [mailto:pzelechoski@essvote.com]
Sent: 03 March 2011 16:16
Subject: [election-services] Reviewing EML against needs for UOCAVA


I have been reviewing the previous IEEE work (not done yet, but still hope to be done tomorrow as promised).  I know the 330 voter list has elements to allow specification of the ballot forms a voter is entitled to.  BUT – not all Voter Registration systems know the ballot forms; some only know the polling station grouping a voter is associated with.

As a consequence, I am looking for a message that supports the need to communicate the ballot forms that go with a given polling station grouping.  Can anyone give me a nudge?

- Peter

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David Webber
Oracle Public Sector

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