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Subject: Re: [emergency-msg] RE: CIQ

Title: [emergency-msg] RE: Getiing Ready!
Gary -
CIQ 3.0 went to public review June 2007. Below is the informative email from Ram Kumar. Notice the use of GeoRSS GML for location.

Hi all,

The much awaited OASIS CIQ Specifications v3.0 has now been released for
second round of 60 days public review. This specification is now powerfully
designed to address the practical challenges faced by organizations
GLOBALLY in representing, interoperating/exchanging and managing party
centric data. Following are some of the key features of this set of
- Ability to handle party data (names, address and party centric
information) ir-respective of countries, cultures, races and
geographical locations
- Flat XML data models as opposed to complex hierarchical XML data
models with supporting UML models
- Ability for user to define "semantics" to the data to meet their
requirements without modifying the data model and thereby, ensuring
the represented data conforms to the CIQ XML schema specifications
- Ability to use any code lists without modifying the CIQ XML schema
specifications using the upcoming open industry standard for Code List
namely the OASIS Code List (Genericode) from OASIS Code List TC and
the UBL Methodology for Code List Value and Validation
- Ability to define business rules to constraint the CIQ XML Schema
specifications without modifying the CIQ XML schema specifications
using industry standard approach and industry standards (This feature
enables users to restrict the CIQ data models to their specific needs
and at the same time ensuring that the represented data conforms to
the CIQ data models. e.g. A country can apply this feature to
constrain the CIQ Address data model to its specific country address
data model without modifying the CIQ Address model)
- Ability to use GeoRSS/GML of Open Geospatial Consortium to represent
location coordinates
- Ability to define data quality attributes to the party data represented

We look forward to your review and feedback that will further help us
to improve the v3.0 specifications.

v3.0 of the specifications to define Party Relationships (person to
person, person to organisation, and organisation to organisation) is
in progress.

To download the specifications, the details are below:

Customer Information Quality Specifications Version 3.0

In addition to the specification and schemas, several additional
documents are included:
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- General Introduction and Overview
- Package Overview
- Release Notes
- Technical Overview

The public review starts today, 27 June 2007, and ends 26 August 2007.
This is an open invitation to comment. We
strongly encourage feedback from potential users, developers and
others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of
improving the interoperability and quality of OASIS work. Please feel
free to distribute this announcement within your
organization and to other appropriate mail lists.

More non-normative information about the specification and the
technical committee may be found at the public home page
of the TC at
Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person
through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be located
via the button marked "Send A Comment" at the top
of that page, or directly at

Submitted comments (for this work as well as other works of that TC)
are publicly archived and can be viewed at
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ciq-comment/. All comments
submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback
License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same
obligations at least as the obligations of the TC

The specification document and related files are available here:

Editable Source (DOC):

The schema files, that are included normatively in the specification
document, are available as separate files at:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
General Introduction and Overview:
Package Overview:
Release Notes:
Technical Overview:

OASIS and the Customer Information Quality (CIQ) TC welcome your comments.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Ham
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 1:04 PM
Subject: RE: [emergency-msg] RE: CIQ

Rex, et al,


It certainly does not mean re-working the spec.  CIQ would bolt on to our spec EXACTLY as it does now. But using CIQ (according to CIQ’s own documents) means defining how CIQ is used. This may mean adding a section on CIQ implementation as applied to RM that answers the questions.  It may also mean customizing the CIQ attribute value lists at some point (1.1?)   I have an idea on some of the question answers, almost always answers of a “simplify/clarify” variety.  The problem is not that CIQ is too complicated.  The problem is that it can be implied to be too complicated.  By not answering the questions we are allowing the implication to be made.  One further issue may be relevant.  I read the CIQ 3.0 document of 17 Nov 2007, which simplifies a lot of what was really complicated in CIQ 2.0.  3.0 is a real improvement, but I think is still a committee spec.  Are we after 3.0, which is good, or 2.0 which is MUCH LESS good? 




Gary A. Ham



Grandpa can do IT!


From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 2:44 PM
To: Gary Ham; emergency-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: ejones@warningsystems.com
Subject: [emergency-msg] RE: Getiing Ready!


Thanks Gary,


My initial response is "What does this mean for finishing up EDXL-RM?"


Offhand it sounds like we would need to completely rework the spec, but I suspect that's not actually the case. I think that in practical terms, the more work required, the less likely it is that we can do it. So in terms of stirring up a hornet's nest, I'd say "Yup, it does that."


So we need to understand how much work this means, and how many person-hours we have available to us to spend on it.


At 12:56 PM -0500 12/29/07, Gary Ham wrote:


I have just completed an initial read of the entire 3.0 CIQ Specification Document. I have tremendous respect for what they have done. A great spec!!!!  CIQ provides common ground for addressing, naming, and relating names and addresses to parties, yet is flexible enough not to compromise specific system requirements.  Its code lists for attributes (e.g., "city" as a name attribute for<municipality> or "last name" as a value for <NameElement> allows these values to be renamed as necessary.  The elements themselves are fixed.   This is very interesting to me.  Flexible structure is not an oxymoron.  It lives in CIQ.


Since we're just using CIQ this shouldn't involve much work.


Quite frankly, we may also want to review using the GeoRSS element in CIQ Address in place location in all of our specs.  It is fairly simple, relatively clear, and is GML compatible. It might be better than our "wheel reinvention."


This involves too much work, so I don't think its feasible. Feasibility has little to do with the merit of the idea.


Finally, I now even have a reason to consider using both elements and attributes in a spec.  As I read CIQ, all elements are MUST understands for all CIQ compliant systems.  Attributes are MAY understand and might be SHOULD understand. But CIQ compliant systems are not expected to use, or even understand all attributes and their possible values.  Some might not understand any of them. Think of attributes in CIQ as pre-defined <parameter> tags, as parameter is defined in CAP, that are applied to the element in question rather than the entire message.

I can't tell if this requires any work.

That said, I (actually the CIQ spec) have a few questions on our CIQ adoption. The following quoted material below is from the CIQ spec. Adopting CIQ correctly means answering the questions represented by the bullets below. Have we done so?  If so, have we documented it?  Documenting our answers to these questions would go along way toward removing the ambiguity that exists between our very nice examples that use CIQ and our relative lack of explanation of where the CIQ portions of those examples come from.


We have a fairly large bucket of suggested places where more "examples" are requested. We have to decide priorities by person-hours available to do the work.


"Following are the features of CIQ specifications that assist in customisation of the specifications to meet specific application or data exchange requirements, and the details of customisation SHOULD be documented and agreed (if involving more than one party in data exchange) at application/system design time to enable automating interoperability of information/data represented using CIQ specifications at application/system run time:

·         List of all elements of CIQ XML Schemas that SHOULD be used in the exchange. This includes details of which elements are mandatory and which elements are OPTIONAL


16 messages each with its own contact info/location info.


·         List of all attributes of CIQ XML Schemas that SHOULD be used in the exchange. This includes details of which attributes are mandatory and which attributes are OPTIONAL


16 messages each with its own contact info/location info.


·         The approach that will be used for Code Lists (Option 1 or Option 2)


I don't understand.


·         The code list values that SHOULD be used for each CIQ code lists. This includes updating the default XML Schemas for code lists (Option 1) with the values to be used and updating the default genericode based code lists (Option 2) with the values to be used. These code list files SHOULD then be implemented by all applications/systems involved in data exchange. If genericode based code list approach (Option 2) is used, then the XSLTs for value validation SHOULD be generated and implemented by all applications/systems involved in data exchange.


·         Whether xLink or Key Reference SHOULD be used to reference party, name or address, and the details


·         Whether XML schema SHOULD be extended by using new attributes from a non-target namespace and if so, details of the additional attributes


·         Whether business rules SHOULD be defined to constrain the CIQ XML schemas and if so, details of the business rules that SHOULD be implemented consistently by all applications/systems involved in data exchange."




These last five paragraphs stump me.


I thought we assigned ValueListURNs to code lists. Why should be specifying xLink or Key Reference?


I'm confused.







Now --- Did I stir up a hornet's nest??




Gary A. Ham



Grandpa can do IT!


From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 11:39 AM
To: Gary Ham; 'Rex Brooks'; emergency-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: ejones@warningsystems.com
Subject: RE: Getiing Ready!


Thanks Gary,


Will do.





At 9:50 AM -0500 12/29/07, Gary Ham wrote:



One more typo to correct in the schemas:


In line 3267 - " Provisional"  should read "Provisional"  ( take out the space after the first quote; it screws our the validation process.)


Gary A. Ham



Grandpa can do IT!


From: Gary Ham [mailto:hamgva@cox.net]
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 9:46 AM
To: 'emergency-msg@lists.oasis-open.org'
Cc: 'ejones@warningsystems.com'
Subject: RE: Getiing Ready!




I made changes to a copy of the schemas and examples to reduce the number of name spaces from 20 to 2.  Basically, there is a namespace for the Common types schema and a namespace for the message reference schema.  The message reference schema namespace is reused for all of the separate message types.  It works successfully.  To put this change in the document requires a 2 line change to each and every schema and example XML file in the document (or you can cut and paste my files into the document in their entirety).


The question is, does this change make sense?  The original consensus of the group was that a separate name space made sense for each message.  On the other hand, all of the messages use terminology for their tags that is derived from THE SAME REFERENCE SCHEMA. Why should that schema not set the name space for all of its derived messages?  So, my suggestion is to make the two line changes. In my mind, it reduces complexity and has a logical basis as well.


I did not try to go to a single namespace for the messages and common types because the types are imported, as opposed to being actually form the same reference source in a restriction sense.  It alos keeps them encapsulated, so they could be reused in the future.


Example of the required change is as follows:


In the Commit Resource Message schema:








In the examples:



    xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL:RM:1.0:CommitResource EDXL-RMCommitResource.xsd"



    xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL:RM:1.0:msg EDXL-RMCommitResource.xsd"







Gary A. Ham



Grandpa can do IT!





Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670




Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670

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