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Subject: Re: [emergency] FYI: OGC Seeks Sponsors for Emergency MappingSymbology Initiative

Allen -

You and I are thinking alike. I would like to be able to leverage the work
of both organizations to the benefit of both of our communities. I know Rex
raises an issue concerning how OASIS works with another standards
organization - IPR for example - in a later email. I think we may need to
discuss this with Karl Best to make sure that everything is above board. I
do not think that we need a formal liaison arrangement. Just as an FYI - all
OpenGIS specifications are free of member IPR and are also royalty free.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "R. Allen Wyke" <emtc@nc.rr.com>
To: "Carl Reed" <creed@opengis.org>
Cc: "emergency TC lists Oasis" <emergency@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [emergency] FYI: OGC Seeks Sponsors for Emergency
MappingSymbology Initiative

> Interesting....especially since it has been talked about within our
> group almost since day 1.
> That aside, is there any chance this an be the result of a collaboration
> between the OGC and the EM TC? A joint effort? Seems like a logical
> thing, considering you then have the GIS people and the EM people from
> their respective groups working together. Could be a huge win for both
> committees.
> Thoughts?
> On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 16:43, Carl Reed wrote:
> > Thought that this might be of interest to the group. The OGC runs
> > interoperability initiatives to 1.) test existing specifications in
> > new application domains and 2.) provide a rapid pace engineering
> > process for capturing requirements for a given area of geospatial
> > interoperability and then using those requirements to quickly define,
> > build, and test new interface specifications.
> >
> > Carl Reed
> > EM GIS SC Chair
> >
> >
> > For information about this announcement, contact:
> >
> > Mark Reichardt
> > Executive Director, Outreach and Community Adoption
> > Open GIS Consortium, Inc
> > tel: +1-301-840-1361
> > mreichardt@opengis.org
> >
> > OGC Seeks Sponsors for Emergency Mapping Symbology Initiative
> >
> > Wayland, MA, USA, October 3, 2003- The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC)
> > is issuing a Call for Sponsors for an Emergency Mapping Symbology
> > (EMS)
> > Initiative. This call seeks interested Sponsors to provide input on
> > technology requirements and concepts to address interoperability needs
> > for emergency mapping and homeland security. The EMS Initiative will
> > mature OGC's specification framework for interoperable geographic
> > symbolization while simultaneously testing emerging standard map
> > symbol
> > sets for emergency response and homeland security developed by
> > national-level mapping organizations.
> >
> > The development of standards for emergency mapping will strengthen
> > coordination, communication and interoperability. These results
> > enhance
> > the ability of planners and emergency managers to better understand
> > mapped information at a glance during crucial decision-making moments.
> >  From an operational perspective, standardized emergency mapping
> > symbol
> > sets implemented over standard-based web mapping architectures will
> > support the quick and easy development of multi-source common
> > operating
> > pictures, giving users a vital shared view of the emergency at hand.
> > Systems generating common operating pictures using standards-based
> > software will access spatial and related content from many sources and
> > symbolize them in a common consistent manner, independent of the
> > underlying feature classification schemes, data structures or data
> > models.
> >
> > Through sponsorship of the EMS Initiative, organizations will be
> > invited
> > to contribute resources and help refine the architecture and testing
> > requirements for the project. These requirements will be used to
> > develop
> > an OGC Request for Quotation/Call for Participation. As such, sponsors
> > of this initiative will establish goals and objectives for the
> > initiative and have significant input on specifying the requirements
> > for
> > the interoperable technology testing and development process.
> >
> > If your organization is interested in driving the evolution of
> > geospatial interoperability and emergency mapping standards by
> > sponsoring and/or participating in the Emergency Mapping Symbology
> > (EMS)
> > Initiative please contact Mr. Jeff Harrison, OGC Executive Director,
> > Program Development, by telephone at (703) 628-8655, or by e-mail at
> > jharrison@opengis.org <mailto:jharrison@opengis.org>.
> >
> > The EMS Initiative is part of the next phase of OGC's Critical
> > Infrastructure Protection Initiative (CIPI), an OGC Interoperability
> > Initiative designed to test the application of interoperable
> > technology
> > to meet critical infrastructure and homeland security detection,
> > prevention, planning, response, and recovery challenges. More
> > information on CIPI is available at http://ip.opengis.org/cip/.
> >
> > OGC is an international industry consortium of more than 255
> > companies,
> > government agencies and universities participating in a consensus
> > process to develop publicly available interface specifications.
> > OpenGISŪ
> > Specifications support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the
> > Web, wireless and location-based services, and mainstream IT. The
> > specifications empower technology developers to make complex spatial
> > information and services accessible and useful with all kinds of
> > applications. Visit the OGC website at www.opengis.org
> > <http://www.opengis.org>.
> >
> > OpenGISŪ is a registered trademark of Open GIS Consortium, Inc.
> >
> > -- end --
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Pc mailing list
> > Pc@opengis.org
> > http://mail.opengis.org/mailman/listinfo/pc
> -- 
> R. Allen Wyke
> Chair, Emergency Management TC
> emtc@nc.rr.com
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/emergency
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