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Subject: RE: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword tocontentObject
I am working on creating a National level Alerting system. The more “non” Distribution elements we put in the EDXL Distribution Element the more likely a organization might try to use them for routing and message could be misrouted or rejected.
Additionally, I am trying to use set theory to validate distribution aggregation/dis-aggregation. Adding addition element which some organization uses for classifying messages causes the number of validation matches to increase significantly and creates significant delays delivering life saving time-sensitive warning messages.
David E. Ellis Information Management Architect (505) 844-6697
From: Mark Carlson -
Conneva, Inc. [mailto:conneva@gmail.com]
David, On 1/28/06, Ellis, David <dellis@sandia.gov> wrote:
As you can see, the green IncidentID and incidentDescription have not functionality in either explicit of Pub/Sub distribution. In fact, if we could predict incidents in advance and add them to a valueListURN/value pair for determining distribution during incidents, the TC should go to Las Vegas and win enough money to retire
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